Scars [Nayeon]

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'You're fucking useless!', 'a no good loser!', 'you're just another trash walking the earth!'


Those are just some things I always hear. I'm used to it but at the end of the day, I would end up hurting myself. Thinking of ways to end my life. They're right. I'm useless. I should just die.

I put my uniform not before looking at my fresh wound on my wrists.

"Next time... I will be cutting here." I chuckled bitterly as I touched where my pulse is.

One can say I'm a suicidal person. I've tried hundreds of ways killing myself. But every time I escaped death, I end up adding another slit on my arm.

I fixed my uniform and looked at my reflection in the mirror. No matter how hard I try, I would still look like shit anyway so why bother.


I was walking the halls of our school while listening to the nonstop murmuring of the other students here. No one dares to look me in the eye. Some are afraid of approaching me, some just don't want anything to do involving me. Not that I'm a delinquent or anything. It's actually the other way around. The students here know me as 'The school's biggest nerd' attracting bullies. They're just scared of me cause the last time I let my anger control me, I almost took someone's head off.

"Oh hey it's the nerd!" I heard a guy yell out as he pushed me back to the lockers creating a loud thud.

"What the fuck do you want now, Jeon?" I looked at Jeon Jungkook deadpan in the eyes. Showing I have no interest in dealing with his shits.

"Oh! The nerd can actually talk? That's new." He mocked, making the other students laugh. "And you dare answer back, huh?! Give me your lunch money." He snarled.

"No can do. I ain't dealing with your shits today." I shot a small smirk, triggering him.

"Why you!!" He pulled his arm back, ready to give me one hell of a punch. I just closed my eyes and waited for it to land. I heard a loud thud and loud gasps from the students. When I opened my eyes and  saw Jeon on the floor.

"Quit picking on the weak just cause you're the school's heartthrob, Jungkook. It doesn't make you more attractive." The girl infront of me said.

Jungkook clicked his tongue before getting up and walking away.

The girl turned to me and smiled. I recognized her. Im Nayeon. The school's princess. Every guy.... And girl for that matter is head over heels for this person. Well everyone except me. And probably her 8 other friends.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" She looked at me with worry in her eyes. I suddenly felt so safe in her stare and presence. I shook the thought out and walked away without saying anything. No one has ever seen my full face. My hair always covers my eyes, plus I'm wearing glasses so no one can really see how my eyes looked like.

'Woah she just walked passed by Nayeon!'

'That bitch didn't even thanked Nayeon for saving her sorry bitch ass from Jungkook!'

Other students started whispering nonsense shit again.

I walked into my classroom and sat on my usual place. Some are talking with their friends, seatmates and even students from another section.

I never bothered to talk to anyone.

Nayeon came in along with her 8 friends but I ignored it and just looked out the window. I soon felt the chair beside me move. I looked over and saw Nayeon sitting beside me and she flashed her toothy smile again.

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