Cursed [Chaeyoung] -1

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I was on my way home from school when I felt someone was following me. When I turned around, there was no one. As much as it freaks me out, I kept walking, having the same feeling the whole way home.

I was nearing my apartment when I turned around again.

"Okay just who the f- what in the heck?" I looked down to an animal. Don't actually know what this animal is. Leopard? Cheetah? Jaguar? Lion- nah lions have manes. Ugh whatever.

"Is this the one following me the whole time?" I tried walking backwards while looking at this... Giant cat. And holy hell, it really is following me. I stopped walking again and it also did. I knelt down to its level and saw that its back paw is. I sighed.

"Guess I'll be taking you home." I sighed and stood up and continued walking with this 'cat' limping beside me.

I walked into my apartment along the cat and I grabbed some medical kit.

"Uhm... D-don't tear my head off, okay? I'll just treat your wound and let you go." I gently took its back paw and luckily it didn't mauled me. I finished wrapping up its paw and saw a collar on its neck. I checked if there's a name of a person this probably belongs to but there's nothing.

I sighed, standing up. "Great. Now I don't know how to even return you or to who you belong to." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"That's cause I don't belong to anyone." I suddenly heard a girl's voice. It made me panick and look around.

"Eh? W-Who's there?! A-Are you a thief?!" I grabbed my nearby baseball bat ready to slam it to whoever is inside my apartment.

"No, I'm not."

"Where the hell are you?! Come out before I call the cops!!"

"Yeah, like those cops can even help."


"I'm down here you idiot!!" I looked down to the animal in front of me. It made me blink couple of times.

"You?" I stared down at it, looking like a total idiot.

"Yes. Quit being a coward and put down that bat." It answered.

"HOLY MOTHER OF- Y-YOU... Y-YOU TALK?!" I freaked out, dropping my bat and backed away a bit far.

"What? First time seeing a talking animal?" It rolled its eyes on me.


"Unfortunately, dumbass I can. And yes I did. Geez. Quit yelling."

"Jaguars can't talk." I said, still panicking a bit.

"I'm not a jaguar. I'm a-"

"Cheetah then. If not, Leopard."

"I'm a freaking white tiger you hobo. Where did you even see a white leopard, cheetah or even jaguar?!" Made sense. "And don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you. I owe you my life."

"Whatever. Where on earth did you even come from?" I stood up.

"You won't believe if I tell you." She sighed and went to my couch.

"Try me." I said.

"Try you? Oh please, you even freaked out when you realized I can talk." She scoffed. Fair point.

"Whatever. If you don't wanna tell me, then don't." I was about to head to my room when she suddenly talked.

"I was cursed by a witch from the neighboring town. The one that takes a week to reach from here." I turned to her.

"What?! You came from that bewitched place? Don't tell me you're a-"

"Shut up, stupid. I'm not a witch. Cause like I said, I'm was cursed. By the most powerful witch there. I tried to kill her to break the curse but I kept failing. Before I saw you, I came back to her house again, hoping I can finally kill her and break free from this damn curse. But she got ahead of me. She was expecting me to arrive. She prepared lots of traps to kill me and she almost did."

"Why did she even cursed you?" I asked.

"That black witch was once inlove with my father. But my father at that time was so damn inlove with my mom. When my mom died, the witch was happy cause she thought she can finally have my father. But then she realized my dad had a daughter and that was me. I was a very spitting image of my mom that when she saw me, she immediately cursed me."

"So you've been in that form for years?" She nodded.

"I sought help from different white witches but neither of them can break it. And killing her won't do any good cause that damned witch can't be easily killed. So they said the only option I have is true love. I'm hopeless as hell. I'll be staying like this for good." She sighed and looked away.

I felt so bad for her.

"What's your name, kitty?" I asked, teasing her.

"Don't call me kitty you moron. And my name is Chaeyoung. Son Chaeyoung." She glared at me and I just chuckled.

"Y/N. Park Y/N. I think I can help you turn back to human." I said. She lift her head up a bit. "I have a friend who's a daughter of a white witch."

My phone began ringing. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey, Ji... Already?... Geez... You guys are quick... Okay, okay... See you soon." I ended the call.

"That was Jihyo. A friend of mine. They will be coming here so please don't do anything that'll freak them out." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes again.

"What the hell is with you and rolling your eyes, you giant cat?" I pout causing her to chuckle.

"Whatever, dork."

The doorbell soon echoed inside my apartment. I opened it, revealing Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, and Tzuyu.

"Come in." I said and they did. I soon heard squealing at the living room. I chuckled, realizing they probably saw Chaeyoung already.

"Waaaah! You're so cuuute~!! How did our Y/N find you, you sweet little thing?" Sana said as she continued to play with Chaeng's fur.

"Y/N what's her name?" Minari asked.

"Chaeyoung." I answered while Nayeon and Jeongyeon was setting the movie.

"Dahyun... Can I talk to you for a bit?" Dahyun looked at me and nod. I called Chaeyoung too and we headed to the kitchen.

"So... What is it?" Dahyun asked after I made sure the girls are pretty occupied. "And why is your pet here?"

"She's not my pet. I just found... Well met her on my way home and I wanna talk to you about her."

"Park Y/N if you're planning to have me adopt your tiger, forget it."

"What? No, no. That's not it. I wanna ask your help in turning her back to human."

"Turning her back to- wait, she was human?"

"I still am. Just trapped into this tiger's body due to a black curse."

"Ah, I see. I can help you with that. Meet me tomorrow after school." Dahyun smiled and walked back to the living room with me and Chaeyoung following behind her. We joined the girls who still hasn't noticed we were gone just a while ago.

I looked at Chaeyoung who seemed to have fallen asleep beside me with her head on my lap. I smiled to myself and started to run my hand through her fur.

To be continued...

Weird plot 😂


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