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I'd been homeless for a while now. So far it was actually going pretty good. I still had money left over to buy food and all. If only I had been over 18 then I could've probably rented an apartment. So far I haven't told anyone about my living situation. Not even Ned or mr. Stark. Luckily while I had been getting used to my situation there had been pretty calm about all the crime. Witch of course I was happy about. I still went on patrols though.

School had been such a pain today and I started walking "home". On my way it even started raining. I sighed deeply knowing this is gonna be a cold night. I turned left and got.into the alley where I usually slept. There I was taking off my shirt and putting it in a bag with my other laundry. I could probably use one at the avengers tower. But before I could put on another shirt I heard a voice from behind. I turned around and saw four guys all wearing hoods. Not gonna lie they all looked like the typical gangster. Once again I sighed deeply. Surely Spider-Man could've easily handled them. But a skinny homeless Peter Parker wasn't supposed to. So when they started to beat me up I didn't do much about it. Luckily they soon left with my wallet. Slowly I stood up and picked up my phone that had been hidden in his bag. I saw my reflection on the dark screen. He was soaking wet, had a growing black eye, nosebleeding and a few bruises here and there. At least I could wear my mask when I visited the avengers. It would probably be a little weird but I had come to visit before in full costume. I decided just to get his suit on instead of regular clothes. Just as I put on his mask Karen spoke.

-Peter you seem to be hurt. Should I call mr. Stark?

-No it's fine. Besides I'm going over there now anyway, I said.

Then I started to swing off towards the avengers tower.


-I just don't understand why he is getting his own room when he barley ever stays the night!? Scott said.

-Because all of us in this family has a room and it's time he'll get one to, Tony answered.

I just smiled for myself. Tony were preparing a special room for Peter. Scott however didn't understand why. If he had been an avenger for a bit longer he probably would. So I decided not to get involved because with time Scott would learn why Peter needed his own room at the tower.

-I should inform you that mr. Parker is coming over soon, Friday said witch put a smile on everyone's faces.

Honestly it's a bit off a mystery how that kid have become so important to all off us. But no one in this room.would hesitate to lay down their life for him. Minutes passed and just as we were preparing snacks for the little champ a noise came from the window. We all looked up and saw Peter....well Spider-Man stuck against the window. He probably had to high speed again I thought and walked over to open up the window for him.

-Thanks Nat, he said and climbed inside.

Strangely enough he didn't take off his mask like he usually does. I just shook the thought off. Maybe he was having a bad hair day or something.

-Hey we prepared some snacks if you want some, Wanda said.

-I'm not a child. You guys don't have to make me something every time I come over, he said.

-Oh so you don't want chocolate dipped strawberries and marshmallows? Sam teased.

-I didn't say that, Pete answered and grabbed one of the strawberries.

Then he pulled up his mask halfway. My eyes widened as I saw blood dripping from his nose.

-Oh my god Pete you're bleeding! I said and pulled of his mask.

All of our eyes widened when we saw his soaking wet hair, black eye and bruises all over his face.

-What happened to you? Rhodey asked worried.

-Rough day as Spider-Man, he said and took a marshmallow.

-Peter we need to get you checked out, Bruce said worried.

-What!? No I'm fine! Peter said with the marshmallow still in his mouth.

-Peter this is serious. Do you have any more injuries? I asked.

-Only on my back and stomach

-Peter that's serious! Bruce said.

-Does it hurt?

-Only when I walk....and swing....and breathe...and apparently eating is very unpleasant, Peter said.
A/N if you know where I quoted that from give yourself a pat on the shoulder.
-Then you young Peter is going to the lab to get checked out, Thor said and threw Peter over his shoulder.

Bruce hurried before us to the lab. Probably to get everything ready.


Well okay. At least they seemed to believe I had been in a spidey fight. Still wasn't to happy about getting checked out. But it wasn't the end of the world. Thor layed me down on bed or whatever was in the middle of the lab. I was about to sit up when Bucky stopped me.

-If you get up I will personally knock you out kid, he threatened.

I just nodded and layed back. Soon Bruce was finished with whatever he was doing and turned to me.

-Do you have any injuries on your lower body parts? He asked.

-No they mostly went for my back, head and stomach, I answered.

-Speaking of, who were they? Nat asked worried and mad at the same time.

-Don't know. Just a bunch of muggelers trying to rob some guy, I said.

Technically that wasn't a lie. I just didn't tell them I was the guy getting mugged.

-Peter could you take off the upper part of your suit? Bruce asked.

I nodded and took off the upper part. My stomach was  slightly bleeding from the place where I'd gotten stabbed.

-Oh my god Peter! Why in the world are you not in the hospital? Sam asked.

-Don't like them, I said trying not to think of May

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