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Here's some things that may be good to know. Tony and Steve are married (#Stony). None of the avengers knows Peter's aunt is dead.



I was packing the things I needed. Today I was gonna be picked up to the orphanage. Luckily it was here in Queens so I could still go to the same school. I had told Ned about this but no one else. When Ned first herd about it he said he wished he could adopt me so we literally could be brothers. I smiled at the memory and closed the last bag.


It was about 8pm and I'd just settled in at the orphanage. Luckily for me I got my own room since I was 15 and everyone else were under the age of 10. The staff seemed cool. All though I have a feeling they are gonna be busy keeping an eye on the younger kids. Just as I thought I'd go out on patrol as Spider-Man someone knocked on my door. I mumbled a small "come in" and a tall guy in ripped jeans and white shirt came in. I recognized him from before. I think his name was Jason.

-Hi Peter, he said and entered the room.

-Hi, I answered.

-Listened Peter. I'm not gonna lie. I have no clue of how you're feeling right now. You just lost your aunt and you're forced to move out. But just so you know me and the others are right here if you need anything. All you have to do is ask.

-Okay thanks, I mumbled.

-No problem. And Peter I heard about your Stark internship. If it's anything that needs to be sign then just tell me and I'll sign it.


-Well I just came to check on you. Lights out at 10 okay?

I nodded and watched as Jason closed the door behind him. Then I immediately jumped up and put on my suit. Lucky me again my room had a window with emergency ladders outside. So I simply webbed together a body pillow and put it under the quilt before leaving the orphanage behind to go on patrol. Swinging through New York calmed my nerves and I landed on a building. The sun had started to go down witch gave the whole city a shade of red. I sat down on the edge of the building breathing in the evening air. Then after a while I felt how my heart started pumping faster in my chest. May used to love the sunset. She always said she found it comforting from all the bad things on this world.

-Peter your heart rate has gone up. Are you okay? Should I call mr. Stark? Karen asked.

-No it's fine Karen don't call mr. Stark, I said and stood up.

But just as I did I felt my legs weaken and I fell backwards. I crashed on the roof and hit my back. Karen once again asked if she could call mr. Stark but I denied it. My breathing had gone up and I felt my body starting to shake.

-K-Karen w-what's happening? I asked.

-It would appear you're having a panic attack. Peter you need to breathe. Calm down. I'm calling mr. Stark.

-N-no, I said but my voice were to weak.


I was hanging out with Steve and the others. We were gonna watch a movie but of course we couldn't decide witch one. Suddenly Friday interrupted.

-Sir I have to inform you that mr. Parkers vitals are shaken and he refuses Karen's help, Friday said.

-What!? I asked and stood up. Friday send me his location.

Then I tapped on my chest so my suit started growing over me.

-I'll be back soon, I said and flew towards the closest exit.


Finally my panic attack were over and I sat up. Hopefully Karen heard when I said no to calling mr. Stark. He hasn't showed up yet at least. Slowly I got up from the roof and started walking towards the edge so I could swing of somewhere.

-I'd take it easy if I were you kid, a voice said.

I mentally groaned and turned around to face Tony. He was wearing his new nano tech suit.

-Friday told me you weren't feeling so good, he said.

-Well I do now, I said.

-Oh really? Then why are your legs shaking?

-I'm just tired.

-Kid don't lie to me. Because I know when you do. What happened? Tony asked and his armour disappeared of him.

-Nothing, I lied.

-Friday, Tony sighed.

-According to his vitals and Karen's record he just had a panic attack.

Tony looked at me and sighed. Then he slowly walked up to me.

-Take off your mask kid.

-Mr. Stark I....

-Just do it or I'll do it for you.

I sighed and took my mask. Tony starred at my face for a while and sighed deeply.

-You're all sweaty and your face is all pale

-I'm fine

-Didn't I just tell you not to lie to me?

I sighed deeply and sat down on the edge. Tony sat down beside me and looked at me worried. Even though I didn't like it. I had to partly tell him the truth and partly lie to him.

-It's just....school is really tough since Ned told people I "know" Spider-Man. So there's either people who believe me and asks if I can hook them up with a meeting between them. Or we have those who don't believe me and calls me a liar and other mean stuff. Then we actually have this whole Spider-Man thing witch no one can know about so I have to hide it. It's just a bit stressful right now, I said.

Technically that wasn't a lie. But it wasn't even half of the truth. However Tony seemed to buy it when he sighed deeply and put his arm around me.

-Kid I'm not gonna lie. I don't fully understand because I don't hide my identity. But even so, I'm always here, okay?

I nodded and Tony messed with my hair a bit. Then he stood up and put on his suit.

-I'm pretty sure you have school tomorrow. So you should probably get back to your aunt. Say hi from me, Tony said and flew away.

I watched him fly away before I put my mask back on and started swinging towards the orphanage again.

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