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It's been three days since we brought Peter to the tower. He doesn't really talk that much as he did before we found him on the street. Seeing him like this is like a nightmare. He won't even talk to Nat and she's Nat! I looked over towards the temporarily room Peter was having. I knew he came out for food and to go to the bathroom. I'd seen him on the security camera footage. But personally I haven't seen him that much. I wanna give him some space. After all he's a teenager. But I'm not quite sure where to draw the line. Wanda and Vision were out on a date. The rest of us wanted to watch TV since nothing else seemed that fun without Peter. Suddenly I heard weird noise coming through the vents. I looked over at Barton who seemed like he was half asleep. All though he seemed to wake up when he also heard the noise. We all starred up at the ceiling. Was someone.....was someone crawling through the vents?


It was monday morning. I had stayed in that stupid guest room all weekend trying to avoid any off the avengers. But today was school and I had to get there. I had gotten dressed and started to crawl through the vents. I remembered Clint once trying to teach me how to find my way around here. Let me just say it was a lot easier with a guide and without having to carry a backpack full of homework on your back in the way to small vents. Suddenly I felt something move under me. Sadly I stopped and looked down. Just in that moment I fell through a hatch to the vents. I managed to shoot web at the ceiling and stop my own fall. But as I looked down I saw the rest of the avengers....well except for Vision and Wanda. All eyes were on me and all I could do was to wave awkwardly.

-And where on earth do you think you're going? Tony asked suspiciously.

-School, I answered honestly.

-Why? The guy who had turned big at the airport in Germany asked.

-Because it's monday. And I have a history test I need to crush, I answered.

Tony sighed deeply and stood up.

-Friday. Tell Happy to get down to.the garage now and drive Peter to school, Tony said and then looked up at me again.

I began to lower myself until my feet touched the sofa and I let go of my web.

-Thank you mr. Stark, I said and started heading towards the elevator.

As I got inside the elevator I honestly couldn't stop myself.

-Bye guys! I said and waved at them.

-Bye kiddo! They all yelled.

I sighed deeply as the doors had closed. Man how long am I gonna have to stay here. Things could probably go back to the way it used to be if I could get adopted soon. Cause as long as I actually live under their roof things seem to be different. I just don't understand why. Normally I would spend every free second here. I just didn't sleep over that much. So why did everything have to to change?


We all waved goodbye to Peter as the elevator door closed. When they did I sighed relived.

-That kid. He never seems to stop surprising me, I said not realizing I said it it out loud.

-I know. He seems to be excited about school! Scott said.

-Well that's our little nerd for ya, Sam said and playfully pushed Scott.

-Basically if you add money and change his last name he's a lot like Tony, Scott said.

-Well he his the spider child of the former stark tower. Seems only natural to me, Thor said.

-Well both Tony and Steve treats him like he's some kind of god child, Bruce said.

-Oh look who's talking! Has Peter ever come over when none of you haven't gotten him something to eat? I said defending myself and Steve.

-Yeah well who keeps putting a program called training wheels protocol back into his suit? Steve asked.

-Aren't you supposed to be on my side of this hun? I asked a bit offended.

-I'm just stating the truth, Steve said and held his hands up in defense.

-Oh okay. So I may be a little protective over the kid. Who always makes sure he doesn't sleep without a blanket or a lamp on when he sleeps over?

-He's a kid!

-Guys c'mon he's turning 16 in a few months, Clint said.

-Zip it Clint! Both me and Steve yelled.

A few silent seconds went by. No one really said or did anything. Then out of nowhere we all started laughing our asses off. Man if Peter had been here to hear that conversation I don't wanna know how long he would've locked himself in his room.

(Skipping his last class to fight bad guy)

-Hey Electro! It's pretty hot today. Don't you want to go for a swim!!? I yelled and threw a water tank at the evil bastard who just had tried to robb a bank.

Sadly I missed and the water tank broke. Instead of the water reaching electro it reached me and I immediately got soaked. But I hurried after electro to fight him. At least I finished my test before I left to fight this guy!

-Incoming call from Avengers Tower, Karen said.

-Send it to voicemail!

Man I am so gonna regret that later.

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