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I had locked all the new furniture in Peter's soon to be new room. Steve and Scott had helped me. When we were done we couldn't really find any of the others. Neither Peter. So we decided to check in the lab. Just outside the glass doors we saw all of the avengers surrounding something in the middle of the lab.

-Don't like them!? You better have a better excuse than that or I swear I will....Bucky yelled.

-Woah what's going on in here!? I asked. And have any of you seen the kid? He should be here by now.

Just then they all moved aside revealing a seriously injured Peter laying on the bed. I rushed up to his side and couldn't first bring myself to say anything.

-W-what happened? I asked still in shock.

-Apparently the spider child tried to stop some thieves and it didn't quite go as he planned, Thor answered.

-Why the hell aren't you in a hospital right now kid!?

-He says he doesn't like them, Bucky answered.

-Well I don't. And it's my choice if I wanna go there, Peter said a bit annoyed.

-Oh you're so lucky I can't kick your ass right now kid, I said feeling a bit pissed off.


For the last two hours Bruce had been patching me up. Because the other avengers together obviously were to loud to have inside the lab, Bruce sent them away. Finally he was done and I sat up.

-Woah there Petey! You're still in no condition to really do....well anything, Bruce said and tried to stop me from getting up.

-Well I don't really care. Laying still for two hours straight is boring, I complained.

-At least let me get you a wheelchair.

-Okay, I said.

But as soon Bruce had left the room I jumped up and put on my suit. Then I just walked out of there towards the kitchen. When I entered I saw Tony cooking something while talking to Steve and Nat on the other side of the table talking to Clint.

-Hey what are you making? I asked and leaned over the counter.

They all immediately turned to me. All of them.looked kinda relieved at first. Then Tony's face turned angry.

-I'm making Kid-you-better-get-back-to-bed-and-rest-before-something-bad-happens-soup! Tony threatened.

-I'm fine really! Bruce said he was getting a wheelchair. I just didn't wanna wait. Besides I gotta go home soon enough anyway, I said not understanding why he was making such a fuss about it.

-Oh no you're not! I'm calling your aunt, Tony said and picked up his phone.

-NO!!! I yelled panicked.

Tony looked at me weirdly but stopped his movement.

-I-I mean.....May's out of town on a business trip. I promised not to call if it wasn't important, I lied.

-You being injured is important. I'm sure your aunt feels the same, Steve said serious.

-Yeah but how do I explain the injuries? She doesn't know I'm Spider-Man, I lied again.

Tony sighed and put down his phone in his pocket again. I sighed relived since I didn't want him.or the others finding out about May's death. They would probably just start to pity and see me as weak. I don't want that.

-Alright but you're staying the night, Tony said.


-In the lab, he finished.

-What! Why!!?

-So we can have you hooked to a monitor and keep an eye on you that's why, Tony said strictly.

-Hey guys have you seen Peter!? Bruce voice yelled.

-He's here! Nat yelled.

Soon Bruce came into the kitchen with an empty wheelchair. After that I was given glares from everyone in the room. I sighed annoyed and went over to sit in the stupid wheelchair.

-And if you get that butt off that chair I'll make sure you know what my web arrows are for, Clint said.

-Yeah yeah, I said annoyed.


The next morning I woke up early. My phone still had half its battery and had set of my alarm. Luckily no one woke up. Slowly I sat up and taking the pulse thing of my finger. Then I got out of bed and changed into my suit. After all I still had school today. Luckily I still had time to get my clothes and sunglasses since it was only 7 am and I started at 8:30. Tony would probably not be happy about me leaving for school, but I had to.do what I had to do.


It was finally lunch and luckily Ned wasn't in school. Otherwise he would've asked why I'm wearing a hood and sunglasses inside. Suddenly my phone buzzed and stupid as I am I answered without checking the caller ID.


-Peter Benjamin Parker where the hell are you!? Tony yelled though the phone.

-At school. I had an exam today, I simply answered and made my way towards my locker.

-Are you for real!? Peter you're in no shape to be out of bed.

-Well I feel fine. Might not be coming over later though. I gotta study.

-Peter I swear....

-S-Sorry mr. Stark I can't hear you. I think.my school has a bad signal. Hello mr. Stark? I said and hung up witch I'm probably gonna regret later.


I was facing back and forth throughout the living room. I knew very well Peter hung up on me. But why? Surely it wasn't just because I was so mad you could literally cook eggs on me. There's something going on with him. Something he's not telling me.

-Where's Peter? He's not in the lab, Natasha asked worried.

-I know.he snuck out this morning going to school.

Nat sighed annoyed and shook her head.

-That kid sure is something else, she said annoyed.

-Nat have.....have you noticed something wrong with Peter lately.

-Yeah. He's faking a lot of smiles that's for sure. Why I have no idea.

-I'm gonna call his aunt. Friday!

-I'm sorry but it would appear mss. Parkers phone has been taken out of use.

Both me and Natasha sent each other worrying looks. That is not a good sign.

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