Chapter 15

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Hey guys! Soooo my best friend Mckenzie wrote most of this chapter So yea!:D I hope you like it!


Behak's POV

The bright light shined through my closed eyes. I woke up on Niall's chest.

"Dangit," I whispered, we fell asleep watching a movie before anything could happen. "Much to Niall's disapointment," I laughed to myself.

I got up, stumbled to the kitchen and started brewing some tea. Niall ninja-ly walked up behind me and put his arms around me and i dropped the mug I was carrying.

"CRAP!" Niall literally let out a 'guffaw'.

"YOU SCARED ME!" I yelled at him but starting laughing because...well, you can't be mad at the freaking blond leprechaun!

"So what are our plans for today?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I was thinking we could have a double datish day with Harry and Jess! It would be fun before they left us for the Spaniards!"

"Darn Spaniards. Will do!" My phone started buzzing on the counter,


"Bekah!? Oh my gosh, Bekah." She sounded like shes been crying.

"Jess? Whats going on?!"

"Can you come over to the hotel?"

"Of course! Be there soon." I said and hung up.

"What was that," Niall asked.

"Huh, good question. I'm going to see Jess. Somethings up."

Harry's POV

I was at the store. A pregnancy test? Where does one find that!? Isn't it too early? I mean, it was just last night. Crap, I need to calm down!

"CALM DOWN, MAN!" I yell - whispered to myself, only to get stares from Mr. Mustache next to me in the aisle. I grabbed the test, bought it and got out of there as fast as I could.

Jess POV

Pacing. How long can one pace before things get to be too much? I don't know, but I think I was getting there. Knock knock!

"Please be Bekah..." I said before opening the door.

"Hun, what's wrong?" She asked whist taking in my red, swollen eyes.

"Morning sickness?" I said hiding my head in the palm of my hands.

Bekah walked in and closed the door.

"WHAT! Did you and Harry...?"

"We'll yes..."

"Go on..."

"I'm pregnant."

"And it's Harry's child right?....RIGHT!?" She asked making sure she had all the facts

"Oh my gosh Bekah. I don't think it is... I think it's Mitch's from that one night.. " I said causing myself to become more upset.

"Oh no Jess the hell are you gonna tell Harry?" She asked, as I paced my room biting my nails.

"I don't know, I was for sure it'd be Harry's, I mean I love him, I just had one little slip up with this Mitch guy, I don't even know anything about him!" I said highering my voice as I ragged on.

"Here, calm down Hun" Bekah said as she handed me some water. "Just take a second to cool down, we'll figure this out. Harry will be here soon with the test, we don't even know if you are for sure or not. Let's not jump to conclusions." She said looking up at me.

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