Party Time

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I woke up to a loud noise in the kitchen. I groaned and trudged out of bed to check out the racket.  

"Jessica! Pay attention and you'll learn how to cook!" My sister yelled while picking up a bowl that was shattered on the black tile floor. 

"Aren't we supposed to be making Alfredo and cannolis not fried chicken?" Jessica responded sending Elena a glare.  

"What is that supposed to mean?" Elena asked. 

Oh no! Here we go! I took a seat at the island and prayed it wouldn't get physical.  

"Well of course us Italians are classy and only put efforts in classy things. Why be like you and make something as classless as fried chicken?" Jessica shot. I swear I saw El bashing her face in but it was just my imagination.  

"You're lucky Alexis works for you otherwise, you don't wanna know" Elena stormed off and slammed her door shut. 

"Jessica that was not cool, at all! Ugh, lets get back to work" Alexis replaced the broken bowl. I opened my laptop and logged onto my gmail and checked my messages. 

"Rox, can Jessica use your laptop really quick?" Alexis asked as nicely as she could. 

You've got to be kidding me! 

"Yeah, sure" I logged out and turned my laptop to the cheerful brunette.  

"Thanks Rox!" she smiled and typed away on my laptop. 

"Baby!" she yelled at the screen. 

"Hello love!" a familiar British accent chimed. 

"Are the boys coming to my dinner tonight?" her smile all of a sudden sly and manipulative.  

"I know Niall and Lou will, not sure about the other lads"  

Jessica sighed. 

"Awe I hope they can make it, Alexis over here will be thrilled, she's in love with Lou!" my sister's face went rosy red, luckily she wasn't on camera. I laughed at her embarrassment. At least she can't out me like that.


Jessica was a piece of work, I don't see how Alexis could deal with that grimlin! Breathe El, she's taking you out of your comfort zone. I decided after I stormed off I would catch up on reading some scriptures. If you are wondering I am a Christian, strong believer in faith and having a relationship with Christ. After my reading I stayed in my room for most of the day editing pictures for a sweet sixteen I was working tonight. The young girl wanted a collage of photos from a shoot we had last week on all the TVs and projectors in the the ballroom. It wouldn't take me long to finish. It would occupy me long enough so I could avoid Jessica. I couldn't wait until she left for her party. After a few hours and a few more crashes in the kitchen. I needed to get ready for the party. I took a long shower, put my curls into a high wild ponytail, added some lip gloss and changed into a simple red blouse with a Chinese collar, black skinny pants and my red leather ballet flats. I grabbed my camera bag and exited my room. Alexis and Jessica were leaving at the same time as me. 

"If you weren't going to some brat's party I so would've hired you, I mean you work is good enough and I wouldn't pay much" Jessica scoffed leaving the apartment. 

Alexis just sent me a sympathetic smile, I nodded and headed to my car, tonight was definitely going to be a long night.


I had so little to do in so little time, my career is really on the line tonight. If this party doesn't go well, Jessica would fire me and I'd be starting from the bottom again. I can't handle that right now. 

When we got to Jessica's apartment there were paparazzi everywhere, big flashes and stupid questions, I hated it. But at least I've become accustomed to it before I made it big. Moving through the mob was a hassle as always, but entering the apartment was by far the worst part of the day, nothing was ready, the caterers weren't set up and decorations were still on the table from yesterday, this was a hot mess and I don't see how this will be done in 2 hours. 

"This is a disaster! Nothing is ready! I'm going to be the laughing stalk of New York! This cannot be happening! Alexis fix this, NOW!" and off she went to get changed. I had to fix this. Not just because of me losing my job, if her rep is ruined because of my bad planning skills, we're both out of the business. Time for me to get to work. I should call Roxie, maybe she could help. 


"Thank you so much for coming! You're a life saver!" I hugged my annoyed sister thankfully. 

"Lex, I hate you right now so please stop!" she said after the death grip hug I gave her. 

"But seriously, thank you!" I motioned her to follow me to the living room. 

"What do you need me to do?" she asked. 

She's really gonna hate me after this.


Why was I in a waitress get up and holding a tray of shrimp and cocktail sauce? Because my sister is a bum, a real live bum. I helped decorate while she tended to princess can't lift a manicured hand and I organized the food and gave the caterers their posts. I was on my way out the door when she told me they were two waiters short. At least I'm not the only one in this outfit. 

"When is she making an entrance? It has been an hour!" I yelled over the music. 

"After the boys arrive"  

"And who is coming again?" I ask nervously. 

"Apparently Lou and Niall. I can see you're nervous but you know I am too. Who would want to meet their biggest celeb crush waiting at a party?"


I've taken at least 400 pictures already and endure alot of crappy and degrading music. I was ready to pack up and leave. I was near the punch bowl when the birthday girl, Gina approached me.  

"Thank you for staying, I know I've been hassling you all night, I just want this night to be perfect" 

I smiled at the younger girl, I understood her wanting a night to be perfect all too well. 

"Hopefully my guest comes soon, the natives are getting restless" Gina laughed innocently. 

I gave her a quick tap on the shoulder and pointed to the dark and smoky stage. She laughed uncontrollably grabbed my arm and pulled me to the front. I set up my tripod and my camera waiting for the performance to start. 

The music started and the crowd went wild. On stage emerged Jessie J and her background dancers. They did pricetag and domino and she slowed it down for who you are. Which is my favorite song by her. I recorded her speech and performance like the other songs. She finished the party with do it like a dude and new dancers got on stage. While the performance was going on I noticed that one of the dancers looked familiar. When they took their hats off it was confirmed. I was seeing Danielle Peazer perform live.

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