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Hearing Harry's voice I almost jumped out of my skin. Harry Styles in my apartment?! I might as well of been dressed in rags. I was wearing my Hollister sweat pants and my Phillies t-shirt. Not the kind of outfit you wear when an attractive guy is at your door. I sighed and decided to suck it up and walk over to him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked trying to hide my partial excitement and embarrassment.

"I came to talk to Alexis." He replied looking passed me and into the blue eyes of my best friend.

Trying to hold back the giant question mark in the back of my head I smiled and tapped Alexis on the shoulder.

"He's looking for you, LEXI!" I said accenting her name.

Smiling with what I can only assume was delight, Alexis stepped forward and looked at Harry.

"What's up?" She asked practically moving me out of the way.

Well than! Guess I'm just here.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way Jessica has been treating you." Harry said looking at Alexis.

"No problem. I'm quitting tomorrow morning anyway." Alexis replied smiling.

Harry looked kind of amused at Alexis's ability to get over things.

If he only knew.

"It was sweet of you to drop by." Alexis said smiling.

"I'm glad I did." He stated as he turned to face me.

I could feel the red on my face as he looked at me. Great. Great. The only black person in the world who actually blushes. That's exactly who I am.

"Hi." Harry said smiling at me.

"Hi, yourself." I replied hoping he couldn't tell I was blushing.

"Well I guess I'll leave you too alone." Alexis said smiling as she grabbed her purse and headed for the door.

 Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with her.


I watched El and Harry walk into the kitchen and came to the conclusion that Niall stood me up.

Who was I kidding? Niall Horan into me? Please!

I knew it was too good to be true. I mean, Michael already told me that no guy would ever be into me and I knew he was right. 

I threw my dress off and decided to walk to the diner on the corner and binge on fries and milkshakes.

"I'll see you later, El." I yelled into the kitchen and smiled when I realized my life was the last thing on her mind.

Why was it that every time I thought I had a shot a relationship men always proved to be the same people? 

For almost 10 years I pined after Michael and he broke my heart. I finally had enough strength to move on with Tyler but he hurt me too. I thought Niall was different.

He's probably sitting in his hotel room now laughing at the dumb American girl who thought he actually liked her.

"Stupid MEN!" I yelled as I opened my front door coming face to face with Niall.

"Hope that wasn't directed at Irish Men." he teased smiling.

I sighed and looked at him with his obvious look of regret.

"No. Not at all. You're late." I said smiling.

He smiled at me and his eyes were glowing with that Irish glow.

"Can I make it up to you?" He asked smiling.

"Oh you will make it up to me." I replied smiling. 

"Follow me, Lucky Charms. I have plans for you." I said with confidence as I pulled his arm.

"Can't wait." He answered following behind me. 


I need sex. Correction! I don't just need sex; I need movie sex. I need the Scarlett and Rhett staircase sex from Gone With the Wind. 

Elena was about to become the next notch on Harry Styles's bedpost and my own sister was out partying with Niall Horan! Where is my One Direction boy?

I turn to cross the street and get a cab when I walk into someone.

"I'm so sorry." I say bending over to retrieve my keys and wallet.

"No it was my fault." A high British voice replied.

I knew that voice. I used to like that voice.

Looking up over my glasses I saw him. 



"Did I hurt you?" He asked looking at my frazzled face which had to look insane.

"I'm fine. Just kinda got the wind knocked out of me." I looked down and realized my birthday present from a year before was on the ground. Neon glow in the dark condoms from my mom.

"Planning on a wild night?" He asked smiling.

Great! He saw your condoms! He must think you're a hooker!

"Just a gag gift from my mom." I replied hiding my red cheeks.

This had to be the most embarrassing moment of my life.

Leaning over Louis handed me my "gift" and smiled.

"Here ya go. Mind if I have one of these?" He asked holding the pink one.

"Ummm....sure." I replied smiling.

Why was the idea of a now fully single Louis taking a condom from me bothering me so much?

"Thanks. I'm Louis, by the way." He said as if I didn't already know.

"I'm Alexis." I answered smiling.

This is the most embarrassing moment of my life. 

This is it.

A cab pulled up next to us and smiling at me, Louis opened the door.

"Wanna share?" I asked hoping he'd agree.

"Sure." He replied.

My night just improved.

Me and Louis alone in a cab, with like 50 condoms and my flask of vodka and no Eleanor Calder!

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