An Entrance to Remember

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I had to check on Jessica again, too many people were waiting.

"Jessica! People are waiting!" 

"Harry should be here any minute, tell me when he gets here!" I sighed, this was not a birthday party or a promotion party, just a simple dinner. She's killing me here.  

I went back out to tend to the guests. I saw Roxie standing near the island wiping something off her shirt. I guess I was too busy looking at Roxie that I walked right into someone. 

"I'm so sorry!" I looked up into two big emerald eyes knowing who they belonged to. Good thing I didn't have anything in my hands, that wouldn't have ended well. 

"It's fine" he laughed helping me up. 

"Thank God you've finally showed up, Jessica's been freaking out" 

"I figured, I'm guessing you're Alexis" 

"Yes, I am. Nice to finally meet you face to face" I shook his hand and walked to an opened space. He followed. 

"Where are the other guys?" I asked finally breaking the small silence. 

"They don't really like Jess too much, so they didn't come" he sighed and started rubbing his hands together nervously. 

"Sorry to hear that. She's not that bad" I drifted off. 

He gave me a knowing look. 

""Okay, maybe she is" I laughed. 

"I get it, thanks for being honest. I'm getting used to her myself. I actually don't know how we started. They'll warm up to her eventually. Enough about me, I hear you've got a crush on my Boobear" he winked. 

I started to blush, this was too embarrassing. 

"Well I mean, who wouldn't?" I managed to spit out. 

"Well he is pretty single right now, so that's good. I'd think he'll like you" Now he was just trying to butter me up.  

We were interrupted by Roxie coming over and telling me Jessica was ready. I left Harry and Roxie and gave the DJ his que. 

Jessica came out and everyone's jaw dropped. What the actual hell was she wearing?! We did not spend two days in times square for that outfit.


I was stifling laughs as Jessica walked down the stairs, the atrocity was red, blue and brown, and had rhinestones, sparkles and was sequinted. The bottom was flared way too much and it look like the one shoulder strapped turned into a flamingo. To add to the outfit she wore white lace Jeffery Campbell's. The silence was broken by Jessica getting on the mic. 

"Hello everyone, glad you came, hope you're enjoying the party, now that I am here we can do this right!" the DJ played Party Rock and everything went back to normal except for Alexis and Harry's face expressions. I swiftly moved away and began laughing. After the initial shock I returned to the two after Harry took a few photos with Jessica. 

"How was that dress? A real showstopper, right?" by this time I was cracking up again. Good thing I didn't have a shift at the medical center tonight, I would've missed this laugh. 

"Erm Alexis, did you help pick that outfit out?" then he began laughing hysterically. 

Soon after Alexis joined us. We basically talked to Harry for the rest of the party. By the ending Jessica was completely drunk and everyone had left except us and the cleaning team. 

I heard a faint ringing and thought it was my phone but it wasn't, it was Alexis'. We scrabbled to find it. When we got closer to it we heard Gotta Be You playing and Harry was holding the phone smiling. 

"A directioner, eh?" 

"Yes, now hand it over!" Alexis yelled. 

"Who's El?" He questioned. 

"Our best friend" I answered grabbing my bag. 

"Oops it stopped ringing" he said handing it back to Alexis. 

"She's probably leaving a long voicemail" I laughed thinking of the many we've both received for not answering the phone. The phone went off again. 

"Hello El, yes I got the message, yes we're coming down now, I couldn't find it, Harry found it and held baby hostage, yes nobody puts baby in the corner, yes curly Harry, yes one with the voice Harry, he's right here, okay bye" Alexis ended the call. 

"Is she okay?" Harry asked worried. 

"She'll be fine, she says hi actually. But it's time that we go, come on Rox!" 

I shrugged and followed my sister. 

"Bye Jessica!" Alexis and I yelled in sync. 

"BYE! HARRY COME HERE!" She yelled back. 

We exchanged glances with Harry before laughing and closing the door.


After the party and most of the guests left I took pictures of Gina and her parents, sisters and Jessie J. I looked around for Danielle but couldn't find her, gosh I really wanted to meet her. Now I was in front of Jessica's building waiting for Lex and Rox. Alexis had just told me that they were with Harry. For the first few seconds I fangirled but then the wave was gone. I mean yeah it's Harry Styles and millions on girls were swooning over him but I wasn't. He's not above anyone else in society in my eyes, his occupation allows more people to know of him. Anyways I tapped away at my phone looking at and liking pictures on Instagram. 

"Were you waiting long?" Alexis asked me innocently. 

"Just catching up on my stalking techniques, looking at the door every few minutes at all times of night, waiting" I retorted.  

"I saw her dress you know, Roxie sent me a picture and OceanUP updated me too. Glad I missed that" 

"Oh are you now? Well you didn't formally meet Harry did you?" Alexis shot. 

"Did you formally meet Lou too or was it just my imagination?" I shot back paraphrasing The Temptations. Roxie began to laugh. 

"Ha ha El very funny! And Rox I don't remember Niall being there either" That apparently shut Roxie up and I decided to start the car and drive home.

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