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"What's good bro?" My cousin Keeis yelled as he jumped out the car to greet me. Today was my release day and I was more than happy to see him. Spending five years in prison is no joke. Before all this shit, I took everything for granted. I see this as a new chance to start at life, I'm cherishing everything from this day on; even the small things.

We both got in the car and he drove off. My mom knew my sentence was up soon, but she didn't know that I was getting out today. I can't wait to see her face. "So tell me how it was." He spoke. "Niggas wasn't in there taking your innocence I hope." I chuckled slightly. "They ain't try nothing and all I can really say is that it was a learning experience. I learned a lot about myself and how life works. Gotta stop taking shit for granted."

He nodded his head. "You finally understand what I've been trying to tell your hard headed ass for the longest. Before you went away you had things that any man in their right mind would kill to have. I just never got to fully comprehend your actions and why you made the decisions you did." By now, we had arrived to my mom's house and were sitting in the driveway.

Everything he was saying was correct but I ain't wanna hear the things he was saying. I'm working on becoming a new person and him bringing up my past shit ain't helping me none. "All I'm saying is you had a good life and an even better girl." He continued. "Even if you did end up going away regardless if you made different decisions, you could've still had her when you got out. Now you lost her, and maybe for good."

I was confused as to why he said the last part. What did he know that I didn't? I didn't bother to ask though. I just nodded my head to let him know that I heard what he was saying. My plan to get her back is still in action, I just have to figure out exactly how I'm going to do everything. But I'll worry about that a little later.

I got out the car and walked up to the house. Keeis signaled me to stand to the side so that when she opens the door she wouldn't be able to see me. Once he rang the doorbell, I instantly got nervous. I started to feel like a kid on the first day of school. I haven't seen my mom in about 2 years due to the fact that I didn't want her to keep visiting me. We stayed in contact through letters and phone calls and that was all.

She finally opened the door and let Keeis in, once her back was turned I stayed close behind and followed, closing the door behind me. "Hi mama." I said before she reached the kitchen. She turned around and started to cry instantly. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight. She soon did the same and I felt my shirt get wet from her tears.

"I missed you so much." She said, pulling away and looking into my eyes. "I missed you too, I'm glad to be home." We all walked into the kitchen and Keeis and I sat down at the table. "Well I know you're hungry and in need of some real food, so I'll make you boys something quick." I nodded my head and got happy. I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal, especially one from my mama.

"So how's my baby doing?" She was grabbing different seasonings and other things from the cabinet and I could tell she was making my favorite, spaghetti. "I'm great, actually." I replied. "Just happy to be home like I said. I'm ready to start my life and do things the right way."

After getting everything in the pot and on the stove to cook, she joined Keeis and I at the table. "I'm glad to hear that. But just know this now, this better be the last time this happens. You have a good head on your shoulders and you let it go to waste. I'm hoping you'll actually use that to your advantage now." I mumbled under my breath a little. "I hear you, ma." I feel like I can never catch a break.

I knew the lectures were gonna come but I wish Keeis and my mom could've waited for all that, at least until I fully got adapted to be being home.

"Tell your mom what else you plan on doing with your life." Keeis said, laughing. I rolled my eyes and gave him a look. "It's nothing, ma. Forget he even said something." Of course she wanted to know anyways. "Well someone better tell me, I wanna know what's going on."

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