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I was lost for words. I wasn't angry or upset by what she just told me, just a little surprised. I would think she would give me another chance before even considering that nigga as an option. "Say something, please." She spoke.

"I really don't know what to say. I guess congratulations. Milan needs both parents and maybe you two being together will be better." I think it was Milan at the end of all of this that helped me keep my cool. There's no doubt that Jason is a good father because that's all Karrueche says when she drops her off at his house. So why wouldn't they try to work things out for the sake of their daughter.

"I just wanna know something, why tell me you love me and then drop this news on me? And don't try to say it didn't mean anything because I felt something when I heard it and I know you felt something cause you said it." She looked up at me. "Of course I love you Chris, no doubt about it. I always have and I always will. But sometimes when you love someone that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be with that person. I'm perfectly fine with loving you from a distance."

I was still confused as to what was going on, but I know I have to accept things as they are. "That's cool, I hope you guys make this last." I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "I'll see you around, Kae, and give Milan a kiss for me." I grabbed my phone off the table and heard laughter. I looked over at Karrueche and noticed she was close to tears from laughing so much.

"What's so funny?" She tried to talk but couldn't because of all the laughing she was doing. "You always seem to amaze me Christopher, you really have changed and now at this moment I know for sure that you have." I don't know what was happening, but I knew I was confused for one thing.

I took my original seat across from her. "I could tell you wanted what I just told you to not be true, and don't worry, it's not." I leaned back in my chair, processing everything she was telling me. "You said one thing, but your body language told me something else. You said you hoped we lasted and I could tell that deep inside you were praying for our downfall."

"But why? Why drag me here to tell me a lie that you obviously thought was amusing?" I still couldn't comprehend what her intentions were. "I wanted to know if you still cared. The weeks we went without speaking or you returning any of my phone calls had me thinking you didn't. But I also wanted you to prove me wrong and get mad and show me that you hadn't changed. I could've just came here and bluntly asked if you still loved me, but that would've been too easy, I wanted you to show it and not just say it and you did exactly that."

Now I started to laugh. "Kae you should've known I really loved you and cared about after all we've been through, I mean c'mon, what nigga you know would still be on a female back after she put him in the friend zone unless he thirsty?" She got silent and just nodded her head. "Exactly, so please stop playing these games and just tell me what you want."

"I want you."


By the time Chris and I got back to my house it was late. I sent Seiko a text asking her to keep Milan for the night and that she could drop her off first thing in the morning, I know she wouldn't mind. We stayed at the cafe til it closed and discussed the possibility of us. Of course we decided to be together, but it's just something we both would have to get use to again.

We came back to my house since Keeis lived on the other side of town and Chris didn't feel like making the drive tonight. "You hungry or anything?" He nodded his head as he took his shoes off. "Well you know where the kitchen is, I think there's some leftover pasta in there from last night or if you can find anything else you like."

He laughed and walked past me. "Wow, can't even prepare a meal for your man. What kinda nonsense is this?" I laughed and followed him to the kitchen. "Christopher my man huh? You sure you not on that little boy mess?" He walked over to me and rubbed my cheek. "As long as I'm with you, I'm not." He leaned in and gave me a kiss. "I love you, Karrueche."

"I love you, too." After eating some leftover pasta, Chris and I went upstairs to my room. We both stripped down to what we felt was comfortable and climbed into my bed. "I know it's been a reallllllly long time since you've gotten any, but don't try no funny business tonight Chris. I'll put you out so fast." He laughed and pulled me closer to him. "Shut up, I'll keep it strictly to cuddling and that's all."


"Kae....Kae....Kae baby. Wake up." I buried my head under my pillow and tried to block out Chris. "Karrueche get up, there's someone at your door." I sucked my teeth rolling out of bed and then quickly remembered that Seiko was dropping Milan off. I grabbed the closest piece of clothing to me, which was Chris' shirt, and rushed downstairs.

"Sorry I took so long." I said opening the door. "Hi my baby!" I screamed to Milan as she jumped into my arms and ran upstairs to her playroom. "I really appreciate you keeping her." Seiko walked in and started looking behind every door and and corner like she was the police. "Mhm, no problem. Who you got in here though?"

"Why would think I had someone in here?" I smiled slightly. "Maybe because you had me keep Milan for the night, I had no problem, but I know there's more to this. You got some didn't you?"

"No I did not. Girl, please." I pushed her jokingly but she wasn't believing anything I was saying. "Yeah, whatever you say. So tell me this then, why you got the niggas shirt on?" I looked down at Chris' shirt and panicked. "Um, well you see.."

"Thought so, get to talking." She pulled me into the kitchen. "Who is he?!" She practically screamed and I had to keep her quiet. "Lower your tone a little please, Chris is here." Her eyes got wide and I could tell she wanted to just burst with excitement.

"Bitch yes! How did this happen? You have to tell me everything and you better not leave out a detail." I watched as Seiko tried to hold in her joy, but I could tell she was cracking. "Where is he oh my gosh." She zoomed past me and ran upstairs to my room. "MY NIGGA YOU HIT THAT?!" I shook my head and walked up the stairs. Once she calmed down we both broke down what happened and made sure not to leave out a thing.

"I swear ya need a movie or something, this is the most twisted but best love story ever. I'm so happy for you guys." Shortly after, she left and Milan joined the both of us as we watched some movies.

"Mommy?" Milan whispered in my ear. "Yes baby?" I whispered back. "Does this mean Chris is my new daddy and I won't be able to see my real daddy ever again." I shook my head no. "Not at all princess, that will always be your daddy, Chris is just mommy's boyfriend."

"Ohhhh I understand, but what if you guys get married? Will I have to call Chris dad?"

"You won't have to if you don't want to, you can just call him Chris or whatever makes you happy." She smiled. "So can I call him toothy?" I tried to keep myself from laughing but couldn't help myself. "You're gonna have to ask Chris that, baby."

"Hey Chris." She said tapping him. "Is it okay if I call you toothy? Only because of the way your tooth is and I like that name better." He had the same reaction I did. "Of course you can baby girl."

I smiled and watched as they interacted with one another. I'm finally beginning to feel happy.

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