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"What's good little one?" I said answering the phone seeing that it was Karrueche. "Nothing, I wanted to see if you were busy tonight, I'm having a kickback at my house and I would love for you to come." I flipped through some pages of a magazine making sure she would hear me on her end. "Hold on, lemme check my calendar. What's the date today?" She laughed. "You're so stupid. It starts at 10, tell Keeis and your little crew and bring some bottles. I'll see you then."

She hung up the phone. I looked at the clock and saw that it was a little after 6 and shook my head. I see she's still a last minute person, but I had nothing planned so I can't complain. I told Keeis the plans and told him to call everyone else up while I got ready.

At about 9:30 we all rolled out and went to the liquor store to get some drinks and then went to Kae's house. "Let's get this shit started!" Keeis yelled once she opened the door to let us in.

From there, it was pretty chill. We played a few drinking games and everyone was then paired off in different corners of the house just feeling the vibes from the music. Hood got him a little joint that was apart of Kae's crew I'm guessing, Kae and I were chilling together, Red and his girl were booed up and even Keeis and Seiko were drooling over one another.

I noticed Kae started to get a little more touchy, but I also know she's had more drinks than most of us in this party. I'm not making excuses for what she's doing, and I stop her when she gets carried away, but she's in a vulnerable place. For the past few weeks Karrueche has been telling me all that she has been through while I was gone.

I use to blame myself all the time. Maybe if I didn't treat her how I did she would know how a real man is suppose to treat a women, but in all honesty, she's allowed this to happen. She would tell me how Jason would treat her and question me why I would hurt her the way I did, but I couldn't bring myself to say she was the reason why. I'm scared of hurting her feelings but I know that day will come when I'll have to tell her so she'll realize.

I snapped back to reality when I felt Kae's head fall onto my shoulder. "You okay Karrueche?" She mumbled something that I couldn't understand. "You don't look too well, let me take you upstairs." She shook her head no and walked over to get another drink. "I don't think that's a good idea, Kae." I took the bottle out of her hand. "Leave me alone Chris, I know what I'm doing." She snapped, walking up the stairs.

"What's wrong with her?" Seiko questioned. "I'm about to go find out. I'll be back." I walked up the stairs in search for her. I walked into the first bedroom at the top of the steps and felt around for a light switch. Once I found it, I seen it was Milan's room and Kae was nowhere in sight. Walking out, I continued down the hallway until I heard light sniffles.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking into her room. "I'm sorry for coming at you like that. I'm just so stressed right now. I don't know about what but I've been feeling down lately." I sat next to her on the bed and held her hand. "Things will get better Kae, just stay strong. That little girl needs a strong women like you to look up to." She nodded her head as I wiped her tears.

"I just wanna thank you Chris, for everything." She turned her body to me and placed her hand on my cheek. "No need to thank me, it's the least I can do." She leaned in closer to me. "Karrue-" She then kissed me. I backed away immediately. "What's wrong Chris? I thought you would enjoy this."

"Not like this Kae, you're drunk. Plus, what happened to that talk about us just being friends?" She started to cry again. "We are friends, I just thought you wanted more, so I felt now was the right time to give that to you."

"Well you thought wrong." I spat. "You thought that we could've did that and then what happens tomorrow? You go back to stringing me along as your friend like nothing happened between us? Fuck that, you wanna have relations and do that to someone else, be my guest. But you not about to play me out like that. I thought you were better than that."

I walked out of her room, slamming the door behind me, and walked downstairs. "We out, I'm ready to go."


I woke up the next morning with a bad hangover. I rolled out of bed and took a nice hot shower. Most of last night was a blur, but I definitely remember kissing Chris. He was pretty pissed, which is understandable, but I couldn't help how I felt at the moment. I wanted Chris and I wanted to feel him more on an intimate level.

I called him a few times and sent some texts but there was no response from him. He has every right to be mad but I wish he would at least tell me that he doesn't want to talk, be a man about something for once.

Milan was still at her dad's so I had no one to keep me company to take my mind off of things. I didn't want to tell Seiko about what happened because she would only take Chris' side. She would tell me how I can't play with his emotions and think that we could have sex and go back to being friends.

I struggled to get dressed and went downstairs in search of some advil. This headache was a killer and I couldn't take it anymore.

Once I found some, I made me something quick to eat and layed down on the couch and watched a movie. If it doesn't involve my daughter, I am not moving from this couch, I don't care what else is going on.

Shortly after, there was a knock on my door. I continued to watch the movie, thinking whoever it was would leave, but they didn't. They kept ringing the bell and knocking on the door. "Karrueche Tran, get your ass up. I know you hear me at this door." It was Seiko. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.

"What? I'm tired and truthfully I don't want to be bothered." She pushed past me and sat on the couch. "I could really care less. What happened last night?" She questioned. "Why would you think anything happened?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because Chris came downstairs and rushed out telling Keeis and everyone that it was time to go. He seemed pretty upset too." I shrugged my shoulders and sat down. "We just got into a little argument, that's all. Nothing serious, you can let yourself out."

"I don't know what's your problem today, but you need to get that attitude of yours together. I'm only trying to support my best friend but you obviously don't want any help." She walked out, making sure to slam the door on her way out.

I really don't know what's wrong with me. Lately my attitude has been pretty fucked up and talking things out with Chris was the only way I felt sane. Now that he's ignoring me, a lot of shit is going to start piling up inside.

I just need to be in the presence of someone who actually cares. Someone who knows me better than myself and maybe even better than Chris.

I grabbed my phone off the table and dialed their number. "Hey it's Karrueche. I hope you're not busy or anything, but I wanted to know if I could come over. I really need someone to talk to."

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