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Play it cool. Say something. Don't just stand there.

"I'm in no rush, just have to get the little one home." I lied. He stood there smiling, staring deep into my eyes. "So this is my baby Milan." He started. "Come here princess, come to daddy." He held out his arms. Milan looked at him, then looked at me for approval. I nodded my head letting her go to him. I could never keep my daughter from her dad, although she doesn't know who he is and he's never made an effort to get to know her, I can't stop his chance at trying to be a father.

"Mommy told me you would come see me one day." She said. My heart broke, Milan would always ask me about who her dad is and why he wasn't here. I would always have to tell her that he's somewhere on vacation and that he'll be home to see her soon. "Of course I came to see you, you're gonna see me a lot more now too." I knew the first part was a lie, if Jason didn't see us here in this store today there's no telling if he would ever try to find us. I'm hoping he will keep his word and start to see Milan though, she deserves both parents in her life.

"Now go pick out some sneakers and daddy will buy them for you." By now the store had calmed down so it was easier to keep an eye on her. He put her down and she zoomed off in search for a different pair of shoes. "So what's been going on?" He asked. "Nothing you know, just working two jobs and taking care of our daughter on our own. Nothing major."

"You still got a smart ass mouth I see, but I'm not here to entertain that. I just want to be able to see my daughter more." I laughed. "It only took you almost five years. But I appreciate you finally growing up and wanting to be a father to her."

"I've grown up, Kae. I'm here to make things right, even with us if you're willing to go down that road again." He licked his lips and stepped towards me. "I'm good Jay, let's just be cordial for her. I'll give you my number and address so you'll be allowed to call and see her whenever you want, but that's all it'll be."

"So we can't even be friends?" I shook my head. "Not at all, to be friends there has to be trust and I don't trust you at all. Besides, I know you want more than just a friendship with me and I'm not taking it that far with you. Your only concern should be Milan. Karrueche is good and has been since you left."

"Alright we'll see about that, but let me give you my number and we can arrange something so Milan can spend the weekend with me." We swapped phones and put our numbers in. "That'll be fine, but I think we should just start off with day visits, and I'll have to be there. I want to make sure that you know what you're doing before you take her by yourself or even have her stay some nights with you. Like I said before, I don't trust you."

"That's understandable, I would enjoy if you came out with us." Before I could say something, Milan came running up. "Mommy! Daddy! I found some." Not only did she return with 4 pairs of sneakers, including the ones I was suppose to get her earlier, she had some cute shoelaces for each shoe to switch out with.

"I couldn't just choose one daddy, can I still get them?" He laughed. "Sure you can princess." He took the stuff from her hand and we went to go checkout. "I like it when you call me princess, that makes you the king and mommy the queen. We're the royal family of California."

"So maybe the royal family needs a castle then." He said, looking at me. "Well the queen and the princess already have a castle, we're still looking for the right king." I shot back.

"Don't act like he's not standing right in front of you, we both know wassup." He paid for Milan's stuff and we walked out the store. "Wait!" I started. "I forgot one of the bags in the store, I'll be right back." I ran back in the store and went to the spot were Jay and I were standing and grabbed the bag. I made sure everything was in there and started to head out.

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