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I rolled over the next morning expecting to wake up and see Kae's face like I did every morning, but she wasn't there. I went to the bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth, and headed downstairs to see her walking in as I was coming down.

"Hey baby, where you been?" Milan came in running shortly after her jumping into my arms.

"I went to get Milan early, I missed my baby." She said smiling slightly. I could tell she was still in her funk from last night, but instead of bringing it up, I decided to plan a day out for the three of us to take her mind off of things.

"What do you want to do now Milan?" We had just finished doing a little shopping since Kae suggested to do that after we had breakfast so now it was Milan's choice to pick what we do next.

"Hmmmmm.." She said rubbing her chin. "How about we go to that place with the water."

"You wanna go to a water park baby?" Kae questioned.

"No, no, noo." Milan quickly shook her head. "I'm talking about the place that has water in the walls and the people walk around and see the different fish in the wall."

I laughed knowing exactly what she was talking about. "The aquarium?"

"YES! That's it, toothy." We piled into the car and headed to the aquarium. I'm hoping this would turn Kae's mood around, at breakfast she barely said a word and when we were shopping she would only speak when she wanted an opinion on something and that wasn't much.

Once we got to the aquarium, you couldn't tell Milan anything. She made sure that since this was her place of choice that she was in charge and we would have to do whatever she wanted to and follow here wherever while we were there.

After about an hour of walking around and looking at the different exhibits, we went to go have lunch in the cafe. "Now mommy, after you guys get your food, you and Chris can sit together and I'll go sit with the other kids."

"You don't want mommy to eat with you princess?"

"No I'm a big girl." Milan protested. "I promise I'll sit where you guys will be able to see me and I won't talk to any strangers."

Kae and I laughed and did as we were instructed. I took this time to talk to Kae, I thought this day out would help her, but maybe staying in would've been a better choice.

"I'm sorry for dragging you out, I see you're still upset."

"It's fine, Chris. I'm kinda happy you did, yes I am still a little upset but I'll be fine. I promise." I paid close attention as she watched Milan interact with the other kids. I could tell she was still upset, but I could also see she was worried about something.

"Just know I'm here if you want to talk." I said grabbing her hand and kissing her forehead. I knew that she wasn't going to say whatever was on her mind at the moment and I was perfectly fine with that, I'm just hoping that whatever it is she will be able to tell me sooner or later.


After the aquarium, I dropped both Kae and Milan off back at the house. I told Kae that I would be working with Jhene on things for black pyramid, which was partially true. Jhene said she wouldn't be home for another hour so I decided to pay Jason a visit during that time.

I wasn't going over there to fight or anything crazy, I just wanted to see where his head was at. I don't plan on disrespecting him since I'm going to his house, but if he takes it there I won't have a problem finishing it.

I parked my car in front of his house and went to knock on the door. I waited a few minutes before knocking again, I knew he was home because his car was here and the lights were on inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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