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"Well if it isn't the bitch queen herself." Seiko said, opening the door and letting me in. "Let me guess, you're either off your period or you're pregnant and need a shoulder to cry on. Which one is it?" As much as I wanted to be mad, I couldn't. "Neither, I actually came to apologize. I'm really sorry for how I've been acting towards you. Can you forgive me, please?"

I poked my lips out and gave her a hug. "Of course I forgive you, I was really hoping you were pregnant though. It would've been just a little funny to see you overreact after you've acted that way towards me." She laughed and I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't that bad Seiko, and pregnancy isn't a bad thing so I wouldn't cry."

"I'm not saying you would cry about being pregnant, maybe about who the father is, but that's about it." I followed her up to her room and sat on her bed. "What exactly do you mean?" I questioned. "You know, you would've been curled up in a ball with your head on my lap crying like Seiko I don't know if Chris or Jay is the father." She said trying to imitate me and laughed.

"Hold up just a minute, one, that would never happen and two, I'm not sleeping with any of them." She nodded her head and sat next to me. "I know that, I just like messing with you. But tell me what's going on, don't think you're just gonna apologize and not tell me why you were acting how you were."

"Really I'm just confused. As Chris and I started hanging out more, the feelings that I had for him returned and the night I had the little get together at my house, I kissed him. But I only did that because I was still thinking he had those feelings for me like he said he did before I decided we should just stay friends but he felt otherwise and got mad. So then the other night I went to Jay's house to express how I was feeling about our past and he surprised me when he actually told me the truth and said that he wish he could've done things differently with me. That's really all I ever wanted from him, to show that he cared. And now I'm just stuck in the place where I don't know what I want to do."

"Well you know I've been team Chris way before you guys even thought about getting together, but do what's best for you. I can't tell you whether or not you should find someone new, or if you should be with either Jay or Chris. All I can say is do what's best for Karrueche and Milan at the end of the day and Seiko will support you through whatever, I don't care what it is."

"Thanks Seiko, I really appreciate everything you've done for Milan and I these past years." I knew exactly what I was going to do after hearing what Seiko had to say. I knew for a while, I just didn't know how to come to terms with it.

I hugged Seiko goodbye, thanking her again and drove over to Jason's to pick up Milan. I called and sent numerous texts to Chris on the way there, but of course he didn't answer. After about the tenth call, I just decided to leave a voicemail hoping that maybe if he heard my voice he would decide to call back.

"Hey Chris. Um, look, I'm really sorry for what happened that night. I wish you would return my calls or texts, just something so I could hear your voice and know you're okay. I just really want to talk to you about something. I miss you." I went to hang up the phone, but stopped. "I love you, Chris."


"Yo bro, listen to this voicemail Kae just left me." I handed my phone to Keeis as we were checking out some stores in LA and talking to some of the owners. I took his advice and decided to take this clothing line idea to the next level. So far I've seen a few nice spots, but they didn't fit what I wanted.

"Wait, hold up just a minute." Keeis stopped me. "Did shawty just say she loved you." I just shrugged him off and kept walking. "Yeah, but it's Kae we're talking about. She always tells me she loves me." I said.

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