three; the after-math

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The next few days were Isla recovering from the games. She had to get a full body polish, which cleaned all the scratches, wounds, anything, off her skin and left her flawless. Then, she was glammed up again for her interview with Caesar, and after that, her and Mags could finally head home.

On the train ride back, Isla spent her time with Mags, leaning on her shoulder. "Mags, I don't know how everything is going to be at home. I changed in that arena. I killed people."

"You are still you under everything. It's going to be fine."

"Thank you, Mags." The train stopped and Isla stood, but Mags didn't. "Not coming?"

"I'll be heading home in a while. Too many people outside. And they're waiting for you. Go!"

As soon as the doors opened and people saw their victor, they all began cheering for her. She saved them. They had food now. Everyone was clapping for her, and she brought a hand to her mouth, tears glimmering in her eyes. Partly from happiness and partly sadness because Damien wasn't with her.

She looked down and hopped off the train, looking around, a massive smile on her face as she waved at everyone. Peacekeepers were stood there, making sure people didn't get too close. Someone called her name, a familiar someone.


Isla looked around, trying to find where it came from. Someone was pushing people aside, trying to get to the front. The Peacekeepers stopped him, and Isla smiled when she saw who it was. "It's fine. Let him go."

They stepped aside and let Finnick through. He ran forward and hugged her. She hugged back, laughing. "I promised, didn't I?"

Isla moved into her big house in Victor's village, living right beside Mags' house, where she would run to whenever she had nightmares, which was very often.

After her Victory Tour, she settled down, and prepared for the 65th games this year. She couldn't let her tribute down, and she hoped to god that she got someone from the Academy. The day of the reaping came and Lavender appeared once more, with her painted face and bright clothes.

She called out the name of the girl. "Addison Jackson!"

She was maybe 15, but she never trained at the Academy. Isla could tell by how terrified she looked, and all she could do was send her a reassuring smile.

Then, came the name of the male tribute, and Isla swore she felt her heart stop beating. "Finnick Odair!"

Her hand clapped over her mouth and her eyes glimmered with tears when she saw her best friend make his way up to the stage, a determined look on his face. He sent her a reassuring smile and she blinked her tears away.

After goodbyes, they were lead to the train where Isla spoke to both tributes. She asked for their strengths, despite knowing Finnick's.

Finnick was quite the charmer in the capitol. And when he went into the games, Isla didn't have much trouble with sponsors. Addison died in the initial bloodbath at the Cornucopia, but Finnick made it out. With all the money from sponsors, Isla managed to send Finnick a trident, and she remembered seeing the relief on his face when it arrived, it was the most beautiful thing ever.

She remembered the relief that coursed through her body when he killed the last tribute and was declared the winner of the 65th hunger games. He was taken into recovery where they healed all his wounds, but the look on his face when he saw her made her tear up.

It was complete and utter delight. He was so happy to see his best friend and he ran at her, almost tackling her and causing his stylist and Lavender to laugh. Isla just hugged him back. "We're safe now, Finnick. We're safe."

They were safe. But not Finnick's family. Finnick was still young at that age, but he had proven to be quite the charmer, and was very handsome, both factors that contributed to his sponsors. As he grew older, at 16, Snow wanted to sell him to the Capitol's people. For sex. For pleasure.

Of course, the boy resisted at first, just like Isla did when Snow asked her to do the same thing. And Snow retaliated against Finnick by killing his entire family, so the boy did as he asked. With Isla it was different, considering she didn't have any family, and he couldn't exactly kill Finnick, so, he killed Mags.

And that made her obey him.

They were both broken, sold and bought. Victory didn't make them any better than they had been before. Being victors was worse.

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