Standards and Beer

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The next day, as Wendy was riding her bike to work she began to think. She was thinking about the guy that was walking behind her that first day, and the guy in the store, and then the guy walking behind her again. They were all connected, it was all the same guy. They were wearing the same clothing, a black t-shirt and dark blue ripped jeans. They both had long blond hair, with the bangs covering their eyes. Even in the store, she could hardly see his face because of it. Wendy sighed, the Lost Boys must be out to get her. That was the gang he was a part of, she didn't forget. Who would forget a near death experience?

Wendy swerved on the rode and screamed, she pulled on the brakes, but the bike didn't stop. She looked down, someone had cut the brakes. Wendy screamed again and jumped off the bike. She rolled on the ground, and when she finally stopped rolling she groaned.

"Um, could you get off me?"

Wendy gasped and looked down. She was on top of a blond haired guy, his hair was a little messy because of the tumble, but when he straightened it out his bangs fell in front of his eyes. Wendy gasped again and sat up. "I'm sorry!" It took her a second to recognize him before she gasped again.

He eyed her, "What?" Suspision ridden all over his face.

"I think we should call the police. In case anyone is hurt." Wendy suggested. She stood up and took her phone out of her pocket.

The guy got up and grabbed the phone out of her hands. Wendy screamed again, and he covered her mouth and dragged her into the bushes behind them. "Shut up!" He growled. "We didn't have to do this!"

He stopped dragging her when they got into the little forest by the edge of the park. He tied her hands behind her back, and her feet together. Wendy was crying, "Why?"

"You know me. I've endagered myself by being with you too much." He said, eyeing the trees one by one.

"You almost killed me!" Wendy screamed, tears streaming down her face.

He sighed, "I saved your life yesterday. You should be thanking me."


"Let me explain, my robbing your lane was to mark you. You are Lost Boy territory, if the Pirates want to raid from you they have to go through us. Turns out, they do want to raid from you, but more than that." He looked Wendy up and down. "Only the Pirates do the raping." He explained, Wendy gasped. "We don't know how, but the Pirates were going to mark you the day I raided your lane. So, we beat them to the punch. Now, they're pissed at both of us."

Wendy murmured, "Why me?"

The guy sighed and crawled over to Wendy, he lefted a strand of her hair and let it fall into place. "The leader has taken to you."


He sighed again and sat on the dirt. "The leader of the Pirates wants you." He raised one eyebrow, "If you know what I mean."

Wendy gasped and tried not to picture it. "How do they know me?"

"We know everyone." He explained, "The Lost Boys hold council meetings every week with the Pirates. Discussing rights, ownership, marks, raids, and things like that. I wasn't at the last coucil meeting, which was really disrepectful allready, and then I went and marked you before he did. Which, added more disrespect, so we're on the verge of a war."

Wendy again, tried not to picture it. "What is your name?"

He sighed, "You're not going to give up, are you? Well, fine. My name is Peter, I don't have a last name so don't ask."

"What rank are you? If you showed great disrespect, wouldn't they just kill you?"

"That's why we're having a war, or are going to have a war." Peter sighed, "They can't go off and kill me, because I have a high rank." He looked at her and said, "I'm Peter, leader of the Lost Boys."

Wendy nearly fainted, in fact she did. After what seemed like a second her eyes fluttered open and she was staring at the familiar white ceiling on her room. "What?" She sat up, she was wearing the clothes she wore before, and there were grass stains on her knees. She rubbed her head and winced. Her arm was burning, there was a huge scrape on her elbow. Wendy looked around and sighed, "It was a dream."

"No, it wasn't."

Wendy gasped and sighed, "Peter, what are you doing here?"

"I brought you home, show some gratitude." He ordered.

Wendy tried to smile, but she couldn't. "I'm going to be late for work." She growled.

He pointed to the clock on her wall, "You already are. So what's the point in going?"

She got out of bed and it took her a second to realize she wasn't wearing any pants. That's why she saw the grass stains on her knees. She dived back under the covers and growled under them, "Did you?"

"No, don't worry. They were dirty so I put them in the laundry."

Wendy's head poked out from under the covers, eyeing him. "I don't believe you."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Only the Pirates rape. The Lost Boys don't degrade themselves that way, besides we have standards." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Wendy scoffed, "Oh, like what?"

He counted them off on his fingers, "No raping, only do it when they want you to. Do not take advantage of a drunk or unconscious girl. Oh, and if you're religious none what-so-ever."

"Some of you guys, are religious?" Wendy couldn't believe it.

He nodded, "Yes. The few whose parents died while they were old enough to remember were very religious, so the kids remember. We call them the Twins."

Wendy wrapped a blanket around her waist and opened her door, "OK, now get out."

Peter rolled his eyes, "I already saw."

Wendy gasped and was about to slap him, but stopped. He could easily remove the protection and kill her himself. That would save a lot of trouble. Even still, Peter walked out of the room. Wendy grabbed the jeans on her floor and pulled them on. When she walked out, Peter was gone. She looked around the corner and shrugged. She went down the stairs and saw the TV on.

"I've never seen this cartoon before." Peter noted, holding up a bag of chips.

Wendy screamed, "You scared the bee-jeebus out of me!"

"You've really got to stop doing that. You're going to make me go deaf." He put a finger in his ear and winced.

"What are you still doing here?" She glowered.

Peter stood up and threw away the bag of chips, "I have to protect you." He explained. "I go where ever you go."

Wendy shook her head, "Uh-Uh. You got to leave now. If my parents find you here they're going to freak!"

"Hello, Wendy. Company?" Mr. Darling walked through the door.

Wendy grimaced and smiled, "Hi dad. Don't worry, he was just leaving."

He nodded, "Uh-Uh. I'm sure. If you need me I'll be in the garage." He grabbed a beer and went out the back door.

Peter crossed his arms, "Nice, that was very freaky."

Wendy flustered and tired sat on the couch and sighed, "I'm done."

"Great, now I'm getting a beer!" Peter said walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah, whatever." Wendy sighed. She didn't care what he did now, she was too tired to even bother. Wendy sat on the couch with her arms crossed, staring at the TV.

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