Chapter 10

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*Katelyn's POV*
"Katelyn.. Katelyn!!!" I heard a faded voice. I woke up to someone shaking me. It was Austin. "OH MY GOD!!!" I screamed. It was just a dream!!! A fucking dream!! Of course it was! How convenient huh? But it felt so.. real. "Are you okay?!" Austin panicked and grabbed onto my arm. "Uh.. yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I said gulping and trying to take in my dream. "Okay well, you should get up now. Catherine's downstairs as well." He cautioned me. I nodded and got out of bed. He left the room and I got ready and trotted downstairs. Austin and Catherine were on the couch cuddling and I coughed loudly to make my presence known. Austin removed Catherine's arm from his stomach and he got up. I eyed Austin to come over to me and so he did. "I need to talk to you." I whispered. "Here?" He asked looking back at Catherine. "Yeah it'll be quick." I said. He motioned for me to speak. "Okay, yesterday night I had a dream.." I spoke softly. "Yeah?.. and?" Austin asked confusedly. "Well.. in the dream, Catherine caught you- us cheating." I said. Austin looked suspicious. "So what're you implying?" He raised an eyebrow. "Okay. I'm just saying, I hardly ever have dreams and when I do, I always think of them as a sign. It sounds crazy but it's true." I told him. He snickered lightly. "Austin! I'm serious!" I banged my fist on the counter. "Katelyn.. come ON. You can't possibly believe that." He chuckled. I frowned. "Austin, you need to believe me. My dreams have always played a big part in my life. Almost like they were telling my future. Everytime I have a dream, it becomes a reality sooner or later. And now I'm anxious she's going to catch us!" I said worriedly. Austin laughed in my face. My eyebrows sank. "Fine. Don't believe me." I pushed his shoulder. "Heyyy.. I'm sorry." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug while trying to hold in his laugh. I didn't hug him back but just looked up at him, my chin on his chest. He kissed my forehead. Catherine was right there and I was feeling more anxious than usual after this dream. "Okay, alright. I believe you." He said. "No you don't." I scoffed. "Yeahhh.. I don't.." He pushed his laugh back. "It's not funny!" I moved him off me angrily and went upstairs. "It is a little bit!" He called back. "Ugh!" I yelled and flopped onto my bed.

*Austin's POV*
I walked back to the couch and wrapped my arms around Catherine. She rested her head on my chest. I looked down at her. "I sure hope you're wrong, Katelyn.." I mumbled quietly to myself. "Because I can't lose her.." Catherine looked up at me. "Sorry, what'd you say?" She asked. "Huh? Nothing." I said quick. "Oh- okay." She smiled. I hugged her tight and kissed her face all over continuously. She giggled. "I love you, so much." I stopped. "I love you too." She looked at me. Why was I doing this to you Catherine?! What is wrong with me? You don't deserve this. "For real. I love you. Like a lot." I said. She laughed. "I know Bebe, me too." She kissed me. "Catherine.. you mean everything to me." I held her tighter. "You do too my love." She said a bit confused. "I would die for you, you know that right?" I sat straight. "I know Bebe. I would too." She looked up at me and let out a little laugh. I closed my eyes trying to process what I was doing. This woman has done everything, EVERYTHING for me. And here I am, repaying her by cheating on her? You deserve someone better than me Catherine. You're way out of my league. I can't even treat you right.. you deserve the world and here I am treating you like shit behind your back. "Bebe are you alright?" She asked. I opened my eyes. "Yeah, yeah I'm good." I fake smiled and hugged her. Tight. Not letting go. God.. what would happen to me if you found out? I gulped. I wouldn't get to wake up every morning and see your beautiful face, I wouldn't get your sweet 7 AM kisses, I wouldn't get to hold you tight every day like I am right now, I wouldn't get to cuddle with you while watching movies, I wouldn't get to tell you how goddamn beautiful you are everyday. I wouldn't get any of it. But, it's not about me. What would happen to YOU? You would sit there everyday wondering what you did wrong.. why you weren't good enough. You would stare up at the ceiling at night and cry to yourself. You would sit alone at the dinner table every morning and pick at your food. You would feel alone at night, hugging your pillow as if it were me. You would break, Catherine. And it would all be my fault.. I would never forgive myself.. and in the end, whoever I choose, whatever I do, this will ALWAYS be with me. It will ALWAYS come back to haunt me. I will never.. ever stop feeling guilty for this. I wish I could just turn back time, but now I'm in too deep. There's no going back. I don't have a choice but to face my mistakes..

*Katelyn's POV*
I was coming downstairs and saw Austin and Catherine on the couch again. Catherine was laying on Austin's chest. He was staring at her like she was the only girl in the world. I could see the genuine love in his eyes. That's what made me realize. Catherine means the world to him.. Not me. He will never, EVER, love me the way he loves Catherine. No.. because SHE was the woman who could make him laugh til he cried, SHE was the woman who could make him smile even on his worst days, SHE was the woman who made him who he is today, SHE.. was the woman who he fell in love with. I can't compete with that. All I am is a roadblock in their love life. Austin looked up at me and I ran upstairs. I jumped onto my bed and slammed the door shut. I heard footsteps approach my room. The doorknob jingled and the door flung open. Austin stood there and slowly climbed onto my bed after shutting the door. "Katelyn. Is something wrong?" He asked concerned. I pulled my knees up to my chest. "No." I replied not maintaining eye contact. He pulled my chin up to face him. "Please. Tell me. I need to know." He said. "Fine. Austin. We need to put this to a stop. Now." I sighed. "Put what to a stop?" He asked seriously. "Us.. Austin. Our relationship.. or whatever the hell this is." I told him. He looked away and frowned. "Katelyn- why would you say that?" He put his hand on my arm. "Because Austin, you love HER, not me. I break every time I see the way you're looking at her. I fucked around and got too attached.." I sobbed quietly. Austin didn't say anything.

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