Chapter 7: Witches' Bar

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I frowned at my reflection in my full-length mirror. Maybe I was overdoing it. I was wearing a long-sleeved black dress with a deep neckline that clung to what curves I had but hung loosely around my mid-thigh. I wore black tights and black ankle boots to go with the dress. The only thing not black was the silver chain around my neck that dangled a star pendant on my breast bone.

Yes, I was dressed like a stereotypical witch. But when Rhys texted this morning that we were going to follow a lead to a bar largely inhabited by witches, I couldn't stop myself from wanting to play the part.

There was a knock at the door and I went to open it. I laughed when I saw Julia on the other side. She clearly had the same idea as me. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a flowy black top, Celtic knot earrings dangled on either side of her head.

"What?" Julia looked at me confused but then she took in what I was wearing and smiled. "We're idiots, aren't we?"

I nodded. "As soon as we walk in their going to know we're magic noobs."

"Dammit. I thought I might be trying too hard." Julia stepped into my apartment and yanked off her top before I even closed the door. She marched over to my dresser, disposed her shirt and earrings on it and then fished out an emerald top.

Following suit, I went to my closet and swapped my black dress for a maroon one. We looked at each other's new outfits and nodded in approval.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yep." Truthfully, I was nervous about seeing Rhys. It would be the first time since our non-date on Thursday. Julia and I tried to go to his shop yesterday but it was closed. Now it was Saturday evening and I had two days worth of anxiety built up. I knew that I should just forget what happened, or I guess what almost happened, but that was easier said than done.

"Alright, our ride is pulling up so we better head outside," Julia said looking at the rideshare app on her phone. The bar was on the outskirts of downtown, too far to walk.

In the car, Julia fidgeted with excitement. "What do you think it's going to be like?"

"I wouldn't get your hopes up. It's probably going to be pretty normal." I had only met two witches but if Rhys and Dominic were any indications then I would guess that the witch bar wasn't going to be as flashy as Julia was expecting.

Julia rolled her eyes at me. "You're no fun."

She was right. Normally I would be just as excited and would have loved to imagine over the top scenarios with her. But my current mixed feelings about magic made it hard to fully appreciate the fact that we were about to walk into a bar full of actual witches.

The car came to a stop in front of a bar that took up the rightmost quarter of an old brick building. Above the door, a black sign with glowing white letters read The House. Julia and I thanked the driver and stepped out on the sidewalk. I shivered when the cold air hit me and wished I had something warmer than the cardigan I put over my dress. At least I did until we entered the bar and heated air surrounded us. I felt my muscles relax in the comforting warmth.

Julia and I stood near the entrance while we took in the space. It was decently crowded for being before nine. People lounged on big puffy leather couches that surrounded coffee tables near the back of the bar, while the more traditional seating near the front was more than half full. Frames were hung on the walls, a mixture of old black and white photos of Portland and classic beer advertisements. In one corner a squat bookshelf sat packed with board games. All in all, The House was pretty homey.

"Well, this wasn't what I was expecting." Julia's eyes scanned the bar. "Nice vibe though."

"Yeah," I agreed. "I'm glad we didn't wear our witch getups."

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