Chapter 8

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                                                *one week later*


I yawn and open my eyes. The sun is shining brightly through the window this morning. Bare's summer break is next week

Which is good because ever since Peeta got home, it's a fight to get him to go to school. He doesn't want to leave Peeta's side. It's annoying but Peeta deals with it

Today i have my 10 weeks ultrasound. Peeta and I are very excited but kind of nervous. Right now it's even; 1 kid per parent, adding another will be all out chaos

"No!" i hear Bare scream

"Bare don't scream in the house!" Peeta yells

"Peeta stop yelling in the house!" i shout

I hear quick little footsteps down the halls, then see Bare run into my room

"Mommy don't make me go!" bare yells, jumping into Peeta and I's bed

"Bare Finnick Mellark, leave your mother out of this, it's time for school" Peeta says sternly. They must have been at this for a while because Peeta's face is red and his eyes are narrow

I sit up and rub my eyes

"Bare please listen to daddy" i say, tousling his hair

"But mommy, i don't want to go! What if daddy leaves when im gone" I sigh, and look at Peeta. He has the same look of concern and sorrow

"Bare, school will be over in just after today, please make it through the school year" bare crosses his arms defiantly

"No" Peeta squints his eyes angrily and opens his mouth to say something, but I speak first

"Bare, if you make it through your last day of school, i'll tell you a special secret" I say, his eyes widen

"Okay!" he says, climbing off the bed and running towards his room

Peeta looks over at me disapprovingly

"You know, you can't keep bribing him to go to school"

"Well being rough with him isnt working"
"True" he says, giving me a kiss

I lay back down trying to get at least another 20 minutes of sleep before Oakley wakes up


I pick up Oakley and Peeta grabs my hand. Oakley still fits around my very small bump, but that won't last too much longer

"Are you nervous?" Peeta asks

"Of course not" I lie, he just laughs

"Katniss, your hand is shaking" I blush

"Okay maybe a little bit"


"3 kids? I can't even begin to think of the challenges-"

"And I can't even begin to think of the joy it will bring" Peeta counters

He always knows what to say

"Katniss EverdeeN" calls the nurse, I roll my eyes. Peeta just laughs at me and takes Oakley

"Its Katniss MELLARK" I say as we walk back to the doctors office

"Oh yes i'm so sorry Mrs. Mellark! I'll have them fix that right away!"

Once she leaves Peeta bursts out laughing

"Katniss that really annoyed you didn't it?"

"Yes, actually, it did" I say angrily

"Woah woah woah, calm down Katniss, it's not that big of deal" as soon as he says that, he looks straight in front of him, a look of regret consuming him

I burst into tears for no reason

"Hey Katniss i'm sorry" he says guiltily

"No i'm sorry that was a stupid thing to get mad about"

"It's fine" he says, hugging me

Then the door opens and the doctor walks in


We are walking out of the doctor's office and Peeta won't stop smiling

"Wow, I can't believe it" he says, staring at the sonogram

"I know, are you excited Oakley?" I coo

I pull him up in front of me and tickle him as he giggles uncontrollably

"I wish you would stop treating him like a baby" Peeta says

"He's going to get a baby brother soon enough, then he won't be treated like a baby anymore" Peeta just laughs

"You mean a baby sister?"

"Whatever you say Mellark"

"Okay Everdeen" I glare at him, he puts his hands up in defence


I sit on the couch, Oakley running around in front of me

"Peeta!" I yell suddenly, he comes rushing through the door

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"How will we tell Bare?"

"You make it sound like its bad news"

"Well what if he doesn't want another sibling?" Peeta just chuckles

"Are you kidding me? That kid loves his little sibling more than any other 6 year old i've seen, i'm sure he'll love our little one just the same"

Then i hear the rumble of Bare's bus pull up and moments later he bursts through the front door

"Mommy! Can i hear the secret now?!" he begs, barely even through the door

"Hmm it is Friday so I suppose so, but only if you put your backpack away first"

He does as he's told and runs back into the living room

"Okay what is it?" he squeals

"Well, you're going to get a new baby brother or sister!" Peeta says excitedly

I bite my lip in anticipation for his answer

Tears start to roll down Bare's cheeks, and I start to panic. Peeta grabs my hand

Finally Bare looks up at me


"Yeah" he jumps up and claps his hands

"I hope its a girl!" he shrieks

"Bare..." Peeta warns

"What daddy? I'm just so happy!"

okay so i know i said this is the last update for today but i really wanted to update and it is my story after all so here ya'll go! 

im surprised ur still reading this far tbh

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