Chapter 14

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"Katniss!" I bolt upright, consumed with panic

I look to my side and Peeta is standing there, wide eyed

"Im fine, just a- a nightmare" he backs up a little bit in relief

My heart pounds hard through my chest, i wish i can remember what my dream was about. But it escapes me

"I'm going to get the boys"

"No, Katniss- I wanna... talk" he sits next to me

"I know this isn't what you want to hear, but i'm going to go" I open my mouth the protest but he stops me

"Katniss, i love you. I need to do this for our family. Its only 3 weeks and i'll be back 4 months before the baby is born"

"I don't want you to go"

"I need to"

"I know..." i start to cry and Peeta frowns

"Hey Katniss it will be alright, your mom is literally our neighbor, and it's only for 3 weeks, like a business trip or something"

"Okay" i say, my whimpers fading to nothing


"Mom!" Bare yells, running out of the house

"Hey buddy! Were you good for grandma?"

"Yup! I helped her with Oakley and everything!"

Then Oakley runs out of the house, River chasing him

"Mommy!" I pick him up and kiss his cheek

"Were you good for grandma"

"Nope" well at least he's honest

"Mom, could we bring River on walk through the woods?"

"Well, we need to put Oakley down for a nap..."

"I can do that Katniss" Peeta says

I kiss Oakley's cheek one more time and put him down

"Geez kid, you're getting heavy"

He walks up to Peeta and grabs his hand

"Come on daddy, let's read a story!" he yells

Bare puts River's leash on and we head towards the edge of District 12


As we walk through the woods, we see the leaves beginning to fall from the branches, blanketing the ground around us

We walk for a while, Bare is running around the trees as I study the sky. Then he runs up to me, out of breath

"So mom, is daddy going to get rid of his alter ego?" 

"His alter ego?" i laugh

"Who told you that's what it was?"

"Uncle Haymitch!"

"I see... well, yes he's going to get help. But that means he has to go away for 3 weeks"

"Oh" Bare frowns

"But he's coming back?"

"He sure is"

I take Bare deeper into the woods, where my bow is stashed in the log it has always been hidden in

Many laws in District 12 have changed for the better, we are aloud to cross the line into the woods. But hunting is still prohibited and for the sake of my family, i've given it up

But, i feel like it's time to stop blocking out my past, and finally remember all the good things. No matter what bad things there were, there was always something good to balance it out

I smile to myself, since when did i become a positive person? since i had children, and married the love of my life

"Hey Bare, look at this" i say, pulling the bow and quiver of arrows from the log

"Wow, do you know how to use one of those mommy?"

"I do, i used to be pretty great with a bow actually"

"Could you show me?!"

"Well, i want to teach you how. But you can't tell anyone i taught you okay? It's technically not aloud"

Bare lowers his voice in secrecy

"I promise i won't tell"

I show him all of the techniques that my father taught me

It's funny, i thought i'd never show anyone what my father taught me. Let alone my own child...I never thought i'd enjoy having children so much

Teaching Bare to use a bow, brings me back to the days with my father. the days i treasure. The days i'll never get back

 But i don't need them back, i need the moments right here, right now, with my own child

After about an hour, it begins to drizzle. By the time we reach the front door of our house, it's pouring

"Go clean River's paws, Bare" he nods and leads River to the bathroom

"Peeta?" im worried something happened when i dont hear a response

"Peeta are you home?" nothing

I start to panic, it's pouring outside and he didn't leave a note or anything to tell me he was going somewhere

I run to the phone and dial mom's number


"Mom! I can't find Peeta and Oakley, do you know where they are?"

"I'm afraid not Katniss, sorry"

"Its okay" i hang up the phone and start to go around the house, maybe he didn't hear me, or he couldnt yell back because Oakley was asleep

I run into the kitchen and see that the back door is opened a crack

"Bare did you open the door?"


What happened?! Where's Peeta? Where's Oakley? Did they come looking for us? They wouldn't would they? Did someone... break in? I need to know!

hey guys! petra is about to hyperventilate, so i thought i'd post another chapter before that happens 😂

thanks so much for the support ya'll! it means a lot more than you'd think!

i cant wait until the last few chapters in this book hehehehehehehe 😉

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