Suicide Fall

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Rin's POV

   After the nightmare I had about Bon and Satan, I came up to the roof to calm down. However, the more I thought of the nightmare, Bon bullying me, Konekomoru, Shima, and Shiemi all being afraid of me, and Yukio hating me and blaming me for the old man's death, the more I realized I didn't deserve to live.
   I had started cutting myself, and my arms were full of cuts, as well as my chest and stomach. Sighing, I set the blade down and walked to the edge of the roof. I watched the beautiful sunset for one last time, admiring the reds, oranges, pinks, purples, and blues, how they all beautifully bled into one another.
   I walked back to the knife and re-read the suicide note beneath it. I had worded everything perfectly, and asked for either Yukio or Konekomoru to take care of Kuro.
   With that, I returned to the edge and faced the door to the roof. I began leaning backwards just as a blonde blur rushed over and hugged me, pushing me farther over the edge of the roof. It was Shiemi. She screamed my name as we tipped over the edge into thin air.
   "I'm sorry, Shiemi. You weren't meant to fall," I whispered, wrapping her in a hug and positioning my body to take the brunt of the fall, my last wishes being that everyone lived happy, long lives and that Shiemi would be unharmed.
   We hit the ground and everything went black.

Yukio's POV

   "RINNNNN!!!!" I heard Shiemi scream from the roof. I rushed up to see a trail of blood drops leading to the edge of the roof. Following them there, I peeked over the side to see my brother's broken body bleeding out on the ground beneath Shiemi's unconscious, protected one.
   "No, no, no! They can't be dead!" I exclaimed to myself as I bolted down the stairs and put the front door. In a matter of seconds I was kneeling by my brother and Shiemi. Pushing the index and middle fingers of each of my hands against both necks simultaneously, I felt for a pulse. There was a strong pulse in Shiemi and a very very weak one in Rin.
   No! I need help! I dig my phone out of my pocket and dialed 284.
   "Hello, exorcist emergency line, what's your emergency?" an operator asked.
   "My name is Yukio Okumura. My half-demon brother fell off the roof of our dorm building at True Cross. A human also fell, but my brother protected them. Send two ambulances immediately to the old dorm building at True Cross Academy." I replied. The operator said that the ambulances were on the way and their eta was about 5 minutes.
   The paramedics rushed to the scene immediately, gently moving Shiemi off of Rin. Shiemi was fine, just knocked unconscious with a minor concussion and a sprained wrist. Rin, however, had at least 10 broken ribs, a fractured shoulder, broken spine, broken legs, and was most likely in a coma with a major concussion. He was lucky to even be alive.
   I jumped into the ambulance with Rin and we sped off towards the hospital. Shiemi had been loaded into an ambulance and was directly behind us.
   Once we were there, I was pulled aside by a nurse as Rin and Shiemi were rushed off towards the x-ray rooms. I was given two clipboards with forms, one had to be filled out for Rin, the other for Shiemi.
   Before filling them out, I had to make a couple phone calls. First, I called Shiemi's mother.
   "Ms. Moriyama, I need to tell you something. Rin and Shiemi fell off the roof of the dorm. They're at the hospital now, as am I. Shiemi is fine as far as I know. She only has a minor concussion and sprained wrist. She was knocked unconscious. Rin protected her and let his body take the damage. He has multiple broken ribs, broken legs, a broken spine, a fractured shoulder, a major concussion, and is most likely in a coma. I heard Shiemi scream Rin's name, but by the time I made it up to them, it was too late. They had already fallen. I'm sorry."
   "What hospital?"
   "True Cross Central Hospital," I replied. The line then went dead. She's probably on the way, I thought. Now I had to tell the Exwires.
   "Izumo? Hey I need you to get the rest of the ExWires together, minus Rin and Shiemi, and get Shura, too. It's an emergency so hurry up."
   "Okay, Mr. Okumura," came Izumo's reply. I waited while she threw some shoes on and ran for the boy's dorm. A few minutes and muffled voices later, Izumo finally spoke.
   "Okay, Mr. Okumura. The class is here and you're on speaker," she said.
   "Everyone, sit down. You'll thank me for it later," I said, giving them time to sit.
   "Okay. We're sitting down, teach. What's this about?" Bon said with a nervous undertone.
   "Shiemi and Rin were badly injured in an accident. Shiemi is fine, thanks to Rin shielding her with his body. Shiemi suffered a minor concussion and sprained wrist, and was knocked out. Rin, however, was gravely injured. He has about 10 broken ribs, a broken spine, a fractured shoulder, broken legs, a major concussion, and is possibly in a coma. They are at True Cross Central Hospital. They're in x-ray now. I'm at the hospital too, filling out paperwork on them and hoping they're okay. Come if you care at all about Rin. Shiemi wouldn't want you here if you didn't care about the person who saved her life." I hung up after speaking.
   In record time, I filled my brother's information in on the first form. On the second, however, I only got as far as the basic name, age, address, and gender. The only other thing I managed to fill out was whether or not Shiemi had been possessed by a demon.
   Thankfully, Ms. Moriyama briskly walked down the hall towards me.
   "Ms. Moriyama, Shiemi is in x-ray. I need you to fi-" I was interrupted by a slap in the face.
   "How could you even let her near that demon! It was a disaster waiting to happen!" She slapped me again.
   "Calm down! Lecture me later. Right now fill this out, " I thrust the clipboard into her hands, "Oh and that "demon" is my brother. That "demon" is the same person who saved your daughter's life. Have some respect. Shiemi will be fine. My brother could possibly die though. If he lives, he may never wake up. If he wakes up, he may never walk again!" I practically screamed.
Just then, doctors sprinted by, pushing a bed along with them. My heart dropped to my stomach when I realized the the person in the bed was my brother. They were sprinting to the OR.

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