The car

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David walked whistling to his car, enjoying the nice weather. He stopped dead in his tracks seeing his car ruined, hammer holes all over the vehicle. And to top it all of there where two letters keyed in: SY.
Furious he turned around, stomping back in the house, knowing who did this.
David knew just what to do. She would pay dearly for this.

Sydney just got in to bed after an all-nighter studying for her final exam when she heard the doorbell ring and fast knocking on the door.

She got up, put her robe on and went to open the door. At that point she began to wish she'd never answered the door seeing who was standing there.

Sy: What do you want? 

D: As if you don't know!

Sy: If I knew i wouldn't be asking now would I? 

D: Well, if you want to play it that way: you wrecked my car with a hammer. I want you to repay me! 

Sy: Are you delirious? I haven't done anything, I was here all night and studied.

D: Repay me or deal with the consequences of your actions!

Sy: I will do no such thing seeing I didn't do anything to your precious car.

D: Suit it yourself, don't say I didn't warn you.

Sy: Am I to be scared or....?

As Sydney was halfway trough her question, David took out a device, pointed it at her and pushed a button. She began to feel a tingling sensation and before she knew it everything around her became huge. Before she could wrap her head around it, a gigantic hand came at her and darkness engulfed her.

David picked up the tiny woman and stuffed her in his pocket, closing her door and locking it, taking with him the keys, must he need them in the future. .
After that he left, thinking of what to do with his small prisoner.

Hi, I am from Belgium. When I found out this app, I was ecstatic because I thought I wasn't normal for having fantasies about shrinking and stuff.
I will gladly upload another chapter if the comments are not to harsh. I can take criticism but not the degrading type.
If there are mistakes in the writing you can point it out to me in a personal message and I will correct it as soon as possible.
Seeing English is not my mother language but Dutch is, the chances of mistakes are high so please help me on that one.

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