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Time flew by like it were nothing and soon Sydney was getting accustomed to the situation and almost giving in to the feeling of liking David again.

He was really trying hard to make her comfortable and making sure her every need was met. At the moment she sat on her bed in the with her personal furniture and items decorated aquarium.

David went in to the room and crouched down in front of her.

D: Hi

Sy: What's up doc?

D: You been watching Bugs Bunny again?

David had bought Sydney a cellphone she could use as a flat screen for watching movies and linked is Netflix-account to it.

Sy: You catch on fast.

D: It's a world famous phrase, honey, so it's not a matter of catching on fast.

Sy: That's all Folkes.

D: You are addicted to Looney Tunes, you do know that, don't you?

Sy: Guilty pleasure. Now for real, what's up?

D: Well, my little sister is coming today so I'm gonna cover the aquarium. Just in case. She knows better than to come in to my room.

Sy: Sufferin' succotash! Thanks for the warning.

D: I have to go now, I have got some clients coming in. And Sydney, leave the Tunes be for a while!

Sy: See you later

After David put a towel over her, he left. It was quit for about half an hour. Than the door creaked open and a little girl slipped in. Within seconds the towel was ripped away.

Sydney wasn't fast enough to hide and was spotted almost immediately.

K: I knew big brother didn't forget to buy me a present. Not really a pretty doll but it will do.

Sydney was snatched out of her home and for over an hour made to pose as a doll. It was until Karen tried to undress her, Sydney was about to cry.

Dy: Please, let go of me. I am not a toy.

Meanwhile downstairs

David had just dealt with the most obnoxious people and wasn't to happy. He saw the nanny in the living room but his little sister wasn't in sight.

D: Mrs. Mayfield, where is Karen?

MM: I believe she is playing in your room with the new doll she said you bought her, Mr. Pherham.

D: Doll? What doll.... O no no no

David ran upstairs and threw open the door. The sight he was left with broke his heart. Karen was treating Sydney awfully and not listening to her pleads.

Sy: Not a toy, not a toy, not....

D: Karen, what the hell do you think you are doing?

K: Oh, hey Big bro. You gave a rather plain doll this time. She does talks but I think it's broken cause she keeps repeating the same sentence over and over again.

D: Excuse me??

K: It's not your fault, you are a boy and don't know anything about these things. At least you didn't forget.

David was appalled by Karen's behavior.

D: Give her to me, right this instant!

K: Why? You wanna play?

D: NOW, you spoiled little brat!

Immediately Karen started the waterworks as she dropped Sydney unceremoniously into his hands.

K: Why are you so mean to me?

D: I do not have to explain myself to you. Get out of my sight this instant.

K: Wh...what....why?

D: Because I am so disappointed in you that I can't even look at you right now, so go to your room and don't come out until I say you can.

Karen ran from the room, closing the door with a slam. With a deep sigh David sat at his desk. He set Sydney down in front of him and as gently as he could, used his thumb to wipe away the tears staining her beautiful little face.

D: Honey, are you hurt in anyway?

Sy: Doll, not a person.

D: No no no, don't say that!

Sy: Not pretty, plain looking doll.

Dammit Karen! She was still recovering from all the abuse of her past, his stupidness and now this. He was going to have to work very hard to convince her that she's a beautiful, bright women. And Goddammit, he really liked her and wanted to fight for her. Without a warning David cupped her in his hands and lifted her to his face, as he than placed his lips against her cheek.

D: Please, come back to me Sydney. I love you, you are special to me.

Sy: I think I love you too. Please don't ever hate me again.

//little question: did I make David be to hard on his little sister?//

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