Dreaming (short)

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Sydney woke up to an angry David pushing her roughly with a finger

D: Get the hell up you worthless wast of life!

Sy: What?

D: Don't what me you conniving little vandal! You think I wouldn't find out you did it?

Sy: I told you I didn't wreck your precious car.

D: And I told you I don't believe you!

Slamming his hand down hard next to her made her fall of the bed and crash on the floor. Sydney tried to crawl away from the gigantic brute but he stopped her by stepping on her leg making her scream in agonizing pain.

D: Sydney, sweetheart, wake up please!

With a gasp for air she sat up and saw David looking down at her with a worried look in his eyes.

Sy: Please, I beg of you, don't hurt me anymore! I will admit to whatever you want.

D: I swear on my life that I will never hurt you, honey! I made a promise to you that I would try to make things right with you.

Sy: Right. Forget that promise,  just end my worthless existence.

D: Don't say that!

Sy: Say what? Not yet two days ago you hated me with a passion and now you expect me to believe your every word?

D: No I don't expect that, I only ask for a chance to prove to you that I mean what I say when I tell you that I will do what ever I can to make you happy and comfortable.

Sy: Fine but you only get one chance. You better not wast it, you hear me?!

D: Thank you, Sydney.

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