Delirious/Her parents

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David had laid Sydney on a pillow next to him on his workbench while he worked on modifying the aquarium so it would be more comfortable for Sydney to live in. The top of the aquarium he covered with a mosquito net so no more bugs or spiders could get in. David added a king size barbie doll bed, a working washing machine, a private bathroom with running water and her own clothes which he had taken when he had abducted her.

Sy: Mom, please let me out?! Dad, don't hit me, I won't ever do what you think I did again!

D: Shh, you are safe, sweetie!

Sy: Sindy did it, why won't you ever believe me?

Sindy? David was wondering who she was talking about. When she felt better he was going to ask her about it.
or better yet, he had Sydney's phone so David looked trough it and dialed with hos own cellphone the number titled Old Man and Woman. Sounded kind of harsh?


F: Hello?

D: Hi, this is David Burrows speaking.

F: The professor with 5 different degrees in science?

D: Yes, that's me.

F: What can I do for you Son? Do you mind me calling you son? I have only one daughter and if I could have had a boy, i wish it would have been you.

Owkey, that did not sound creepy at all.... David was starting to feel sick to his stomach

D: I am calling you about your daughter Sydney

F: That is no daughter of mine!

D: Sir, you said you had a daughter?

F:That's right, Sindy. Beautiful, smart, sweet, kind girl. you should talk to my wife about the bitch, euhm person you are calling for.


M: Hello? This is Mirthle speaking.

D: Hello Ma'm, I am calling you about your daughter Sydney.

M:That is not my daughter, just a bad side product that came with my beautiful babygirl Sindy at birth. That bitch nearly ripped me apart being that fat. Her petite sister weighed 2.5 kilograms whilst that large whale weighed 2.8 kilograms.
She wasn't as pretty as my porcelain like Sindy. Always trying to compete though she was never ever good enough. The only thing she would be good enough for, would be to die. But would she do that?? NOOO, she is to damn selfish.
We were forced to feed and clothe that girl and send her to school. She made my sweet girl look bad by trying to act smarter then she really was.
We cut ties with that putrid woman as soon as she was capable to fend for herself.

D: May I ask when that was?

M: My husband kicked her at the curve when she was 15. at that point she had cost us more then enough money. That and we were sick and tired of looking at her ugly, lifeless face.

At that point David saw red and wasn't able to hold back.

D: You two should never have been allowed to reproduce, you two are repulsive and black at the core. That precious daughter of yours is probably a spoiled little brat that doesn't lift a finger but still gets praised for breathing.
Sydney should be glad that you didn't get to corrupt the poor girl like you did the other one. Sydney stayed pure and honest, true to herself.
I hope you all rot in hell for what you put her trough.


Whilst breathing heavily David had broken of the connection, thinking he should also rot in hell for what he did to Sydney.
Even if it took him is whole life, he was going to make it up to her and make her feel like the special person she really is.

In the heat of the call David hadn't noticed that Sydney had come to and heard almost every word he said. But also every word her parents had said because the had been on speaker ....

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