Rescuing his love

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Two hours later David came home to see Karen laying on the sofa with a band-aid on her forehead. He rushed over to her.

D: Hey Peanuty, what happend?

K: Big brother, my head hurts. I'm sorry!

D: You're sorry? For what, Peanuty?

K: I couldn't protect your doll.

D: My what?

K: Your doll, he took her!

NO NO NO. He got up and ran to his room to discover the aquarium a mess and Sydney gone. Running back downstairs he went to Karen.

D: Peanuty, do you know who took her?

K: Uncle Duncan, he pushed me when I said he couldn't.

D: Karen, I am very proud of you. Mrs. Mayfield is going to take you home with her and when you're feeling better you, me and Sydney are going to Disneyland.

The moment Karen and her nanny where out of the house David took his phone and called Duncan.

Ring Ring Ring...

Du: Well hello, I was beginning to wander if you would actually call. I was just telling your dollie that she didn't seem that important to you.

D: You sonnafo...where is she?

Du: Bring me the device and you get her back.

D: When and where? I need some time to get it seeing I put it in a secure location.

Du: I am willing to give you two hours to retrieve it and one hour to meet me at the old lab.

Beep Beep Beep...

David took a deep breath in order to calm down and collect his thoughts. A moment later a viscous smile appeared on his lips. David knew exactly what to do. Duncan would pay, and he would pay dearly.

Three hours later

David entered the old lab and saw Duncan standing there with a smug smile plastered on his face.

D: Where is Sydney?

Du: Patience dear David. Do you have the device with you? Show me!

David took out a gunlike looking type of device.

Du: Give it to me!

D: Let me see Sydney.

Duncan took a step to the left. On the counter was Sydney sitting, hands tide together with a piece of rope, plastic tape over her mouth and the worst part of all was that Duncan had stripped her to her underwear. David felt himself losing control over his calm but didn't allow it because else everything could go wrong.

D: Why is she in her underwear?

Du: I had to examen her, curiosity and all. You can't believe what came out of that little mouth of hers. So I taped it shut, striped and tide her down. Now hand it over!

D: I will hand over the device at the same time you hand over Sydney.

Du: Seems fair.

Duncan lifted Sydney up by the rope and put her on Davids stretched out palm and in return got the device. David immediately pulled out a handkerchief to cover and warm up Sydney.

Du: Tell me how it works!

D: You point the gun to the object you want to shrink and you spray it.

The moment David had explained the workings to him, Duncan lifted it up to David and pulled the handle. The back of the gun sprang open and a substance was sprayed in Duncan's face. He started cursing until he felt tingly all over his body and slowly everything around him started started to grow.

David carefully pulled the tape off of Sydney's face, removed the ropes and gently put her down. Sydney started to grab on to his thumb, scared he would leave her.

D: I have to take care of this, Honey, it will just take a moment and then we can go home.

After Sydney let go, David walked over to Duncan, squatted down and snatched the now tiny man up in a tight fist.

D: You really think I would give my invention to a backstabbing, kidnapping, childhurting bastard like you? I trusted you with my two most important secrets and you betrayed me, thinking only of money. You threw our years worth friendship out the window because you got greedy. Had you kept your word and helped me find a solution, I might have given it to you.

Du: D...don't hurt, I beg you.

David tightened his fist harder around his tiny captive.

D: Like you didn't hurt Karen? I should squish you for that. But that would lower me to your standards and I am the bigger man. Literally and figuratively!

Du: I..can help you find the antidote.

D: I know you can and I know you will do it because otherwise you will be staying your entire life like this as my house guest.

David roughly put Duncan in his pants pocket, which was inescapable, tight and hot. He than went over to Sydney and picked her up.

D: Let's get you home Sweetheart.

Timeskip of one week.

In the past week David spent all most every hour of the day cooped in his lab with Duncan, working on a solution for both their problem. Duncan helped but had to do so confined in his cage. David was certain that he wouldn't betray him because when the first time they thought they found something David tested it on him. And it wasn't a pretty sight, nor was it not painful. Every night David had to face Sydney with no progress made was a huge disappointment to him. So he started working night and day. It was the 9th that they had success. Duncan was restored to his original height, promising never to come near anyone of them and never to speak of this.

David ran up the stairs and threw open the door, startling Sydney and Karen. In his absence he had entrusted his sister with watching over Sydney and they had become close friends. Sending her to her room he than turned to Sydney, who was sitting on the bed. David went over to her and sat on his knees in front of her.

D: Sydney, I have the cure. I can only hope you want to give me a lifetime together to make all wrongs done to you right.

Sy: You silly professor, you already made it right for me and I will spend the rest of my life with you.

D: I have to tell you that it might hurt. I tested it on Duncan first and he lost consciousness while regaining his normal height.

Sy: Well can't get back to normal without some bit of pain now can I?

D: Don't say that, it's killing me knowing you have to go trough that because of me.

Sy: I am ready, silly professor.

David took out the bottle and sprayed Sydney's body. It didn't take long for it to start working and Sydney to faint.

Few minutes later

Sydney's eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was David looking very relieved. She got up and embraced him firmly.

My Sweet Professor

The End

His RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now