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Listen to the above track👆👆- Castle on the hills by Ed Sheeran

"Good Morning, Lilly."

"Good Mornin... Ruby." I rubbed my eyes as I made my way to the kitchen.

I hop onto the stool with long slender wooden legs , then muffled a yawn with the back of my hand.

"Here! Your coffee, the way you like it." I picked up the hot steaming cup of coffee and brought it closer to my lips. My nostrils inhaled the deep aroma of cocoa beans, making my senses to start work. The delicious taste of it melt into my mouth, doing weird dance with my tongue, giving me the bolt of energy.

"You're a saviour!" I made a gesture of cheer with my cup.

"I know! Wait, till it's effect." She said.

"Huh!" I asked in bewilderment.

Suddenly, there was a whirlpool of rainbow, not one but several,immersed me in its liquid like form. Instantaneously, the flashes of someone came ahead me.

On the spur of the moment, I was somewhere else, the welcome scent of coffee wafts through the air.

"Would you like a refill on your coffee?"

There was a hazy image of somebody, I tried to blink my eyes to clear the vision but in no vain.

Later, a middle-aged woman came, took her notepad and send her to the other table, then I realised I was in a coffee shop. Then the lady started asking me something which wasn't reaching to my ears. After my vision got clear, the shape of her face changed into Ruby.

Abruptly, the scene wrapped into hoop-shaped rings and all went in blur.

I felt like, I was spinning in circle, at first my mind was disoriented, then I fixed my focus on the steaming hot coffee placed on the crystal-clear kitchen island.

"What was that?" The spinning wheels still making me woozy.

Then in a flash, I registered my surroundings and it all came to me in pictures. It discerned me that the lady sitting in front of ,with a glint of hope in her grey eyes,was the same woman to whom I went to meet every weekend with a ray of assurance that someone out there can listen to me without ignoring my presence.

"Ruby..." I acknowledged her name under my breath as recognition hit me, " I remember meeting you,your coffee, everything!"

"Thank God! I was worried if this potion would work here or not." She took a deep breath of relief.

"What potion?" I asked her in addlement.

"The one you have just drunk." I scanned the white cup, brown square shapes covering it like a net, with my very eyes.

"But it looks and has tasted like a normal coffee. " I shook my head after that, " I'm telling, you are more like a witch than a writer to me."

" Well! You can call me whatever you like." She winked at me.

"The thing is, how you arranged this potion? I mean, is there some kinda secret room for these materials?" For the first time, the adrenaline rush built inside me about thinking of some room filled with magical strange things.

"There's no such thing, in actual, before I came here, I was fully prepared with my needful things and these potions are prepared from magical herbs that has been preserved since medieval times." She filled me with the remaining information.

"Okay, but please next time, do let me know first." I expressed my thoughts while supporting my still spinning head.

"Sure." She cracked a contagious smile in the end.

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