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This scene is in this chapter.👆👆 and please tell me what do you think about this.?

"You are not planning to stay out all night here, Are you?"

I turned around and narrowed my eyes at Keith.

"Gimme some break, will ya!"-- On turning back, my conflicting eyes examined the front of my house , the brightening light coming from it, lit the whole street like stars.

My one foot was ahead of the other one,ready to make a step,then suddenly something hit me.

I can't face them at the moment.

I pivoted on my heels and covered the distance from one end of the car to the other where Keith was watching my every move.

I rubbed my clammy palms together and straightened my shoulders while taking a long set of breath.

"Can I stay at yours, for tonight?"-- I averted my gaze while biting my lower lip out of nervousness, "If your mom okay with it." My shaking hand tucked the freezy hair behind the ear.

"Why can't you just go into your home?" He directed his hand towards my house.

"Never mind! I'll see what I can do." I said to him.

I released a defeated sigh, when I was about to turn around, his hand captured my wrist.

" You can stay at mine," He said while avoiding any eye contact with me, then he narrowed-down his predator like eyes at me and slowly inched closer, "on one condition, stay out of my room."

I wiggled out my arm from his grasp and took three steps back for creating a genuine space. My heart was beating at fast pace like I have run a marathon race due to the proximity between us.

He jammed his hands in the front pocket of his black jeans and started casually walking towards the entrance of his house.

That day was full of so much surprise, it was like a rollercoaster ride of emotions. After spending time with boys on lake, we stopped by some local diner to fill our hunger while on the way back to home. It would have been easy to eat there if my clothes hadn't been like this as someone had poured a bucket of water. It was astonished to see that after watching me shiver in cold, Keith offered his jacket to me. It wasn't much but this small gesture made me realise that he wasn't awful as he seemed on the outside, otherwise I would never even suggested myself to spend a night at his home.

As I didn't want to face the consequences of the wrath I had showered on my mother in this afternoon, I tightly pulled Keith's jacket which was loosely hung on my shoulders and picked up a fast pace to enter the house before this unbearable weather would swallow me down.

I covered the golden knob with my freezing fingers and pushed the door slightly to enter into the house, as I placed my first step on the welcome mat with an emoji of smile on it, my eyes roamed around the inside of it.

My feet placed on polished wooden floor and my eyes set on graceful banister that curved up toward a soaring second floor leading to a door which was just shut off, on it 'no entry' board was swaying side by side. It was clear that was Keith's room from where I had to keep my distance.

On marching ahead, my eyes fell on the improvised kitchenette off to one side from the staircase. The China cup set was arranged with precise geometry in a China cabinet.

"How lovely that you've come, Lilly. Keith just told me that you'll be staying tonight with us. I'm so glad!"-- Ms.Jones raised her arms and engulfed me in her embrace. I awkwardly patted her back as i didn't know what to do in that situation.

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