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Barty never stopped. Barty happily stomped his feet against the pedals, paddling from building to building. When he kicked the foot stand down next to Adrian's building they both cornered the bicycle but Barty simply waved them off, he couldn't just hand out the mail to whoever made a claim on them.

Beaten, Hyde and Adrian slouched over to the neighbour building. When Barty finally came gliding towards them he was met with two smug boys next to an opened mailbox door.

'Alright, alright.' He said, walking around his bike to card through the mail, taking out a whole batch. 'Here you have it then. Let's hope it's not a credit card from your mumsy in there you're planning to steal money from, are you?'

'It's really not.' Adrian said. If it was just that his mom would probably give him less trouble anyway, he could get away with everything as long as it didn't involve failing from class to classes.

Up in his room he sat next to Hyde on his bed, keeping his eyes closed and his face up. The sound of paper being ripped open could be felt back to his heart.

'Well, lets see, son.' Hyde said softly, shaking the three-folded letter open in his hands. There was a brief silence where Adrian could feel how his eyes scanned over the whole letter. 'Uh... yup. You're gone for good.'

'What does it say exactly?' Adrian said with a chirpy voice. He looked at Hyde but when Hyde turned the letter towards him his eyes darted back up the ceiling, beholding the popcorn texture. Sometimes the intrusive thought of his teeth scraping along it like nail on sandpaper over came him out of nowhere and he couldn't stop thinking about it until a squirm shook him away from that. He squirmed.

'Jee-sus. You're not scared to skip school for so long but now you're scared to face the consequences you're dealt with?' Hyde shifted in his spot until he was sitting straight and began reading, 'Dear Debora Dividson, I regret to inform you that your son Adrian Dividson's enrollment at Brooklyn High will be terminated from the date on when the letter will be received. ( aprox. the 18th of April ) that and that and that, if you wish to voluntarily withdraw him prior to that, and not have an expulsion on his record we would like to arrange a meeting in the near future...' He trailed off. 'Adrian?'


'You're not as fucked as you might think. You can still fix some of the bigger damage by telling your ma—'

'No way.' Adrian swiped the letter together with the envelope from his hand and began searching for a nice place to hide it while he pushed it back inside, missing the envelopes mouth a couple times in account of his hands which were trembling slightly as if he'd just downed two cans of Monster.

'Why not? She's always really nice and understanding, remember when I ran away from home and she cleared the boxes from your brothers room so I could hole up there?'

'That's because you're not her son,' Adrian explained, taking out a fat book about Alaska from his closet, taking in the smell of smooth printed paper before he slapped it closed on the envelope. 'She doesn't have to worry about you being an emotional burden on her one day, of course she's nice to you.'

'You're being too hard on her.' He said. 'How about I just hide that thing in my house?'

'So you can blackmail me when day arises? No thanks.'

Hyde's nose twitched. 'Like I even need a letter for that, I could just tell her.' He said. 'I have her fucking number. How about I just text her right now, wouldn't you like that?'

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