First plan in progress..

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Afrahhs POV
I ran out from the house blinded by my tears, tears of pain.
I walked to my car and ignited , heading towards the direction of my fathers house , after all he said I should go back home although there is no evidence to it.
I hissed as tears dripped one after the other , I concluded and took a u turn to Zara's house and called her number, I hope she picks up.


Brrrr..."Hello afrah what's up"



"Erm zara I'm at your gate , can you come get me?"
"At our gate by this time of the night, Lafiya dai ko? Are you with ya afaan?"

"Zara please , just come and get me I'll explain everything to you"

"Ok ok ina zuwa(I'm coming)."

10minutes i hear soft knocks on my window.

"Yaalla, Come In lets go , sorry I kept you waiting" She ranted as she entered the car. 

"Thank you zara" I half smiled.

We entered the house and everywhere was silent, I looked at her and she got the message.

"Oh wallahi they're not around they all left for a wedding , they're coming back tomorrow though, it's just me and zuhra"

"So tell me what's wrong"

"Kai zara you don't have chill at all , I haven't even sat down but you're here asking stuff" I feigned hurt.

"Naji sorry , I'm just worried ne".

"Ok fine rest , we can talk tomorrow okay?"

"Nah, sit down" I held her hand.

"Ok but wait let me get us hot chocolate first"

She got up and came back with two large mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows , and a plate of chocolate brownies.

Oh I love this girl.

"Now you may begin madamme"

I wasted no time , I needed to unbundle this and talk to someone , I told her everything without hesitation.
By the time I was through , we were both drenched in tears.

"Khadija you went through all this trouble because of us ?, his family ? For what reason ? You even let a girl into your house haba".

"I had no choice zara"

"Oh yes you did , you should have at least told ummi that you've never met him or or..."

"Zara shush please , it's your brother we are talking about here"

She sat down and held my hand.
"Afrah what kind of a woman are you? You're the strongest woman I know wallah and if ya afaan loses you then he might be the dumb ass here"

I laughed, my initial scare turned to bemusement, I thought she'll be mad at me and throw me out of her house ,but then I remembered this isn't just any girl , it's zara my best friend.

" Now promise me zara,  promise you'll help me win this game."
She nodded and I continued.

"now here's the first plan let's make ya afaan restless and make him miss me okay?"

"But how zara inquired, or should we ask google" she smirked and I hit her back.

They called me google in school , cause almost all my life was attached to google, you might walk up to me and ask me the simplest question and I'll tell you to wait let me ask google

"Ouch don't dislocate my back now"

"First plan, I'm going to call abba" I answered smiling.

"Which of the abba?"

"My dad"

"But what for" she asked a little upset

"You'll see".


I have been restless since I received Hamma shattimas message.

I just couldn't wait for 2 to knack , it was 1:30 and I was already very restless , I took another bath then wore a black kaftan with a white hula(cap).

I passed Anisa, and she didn't even realize I passed cause she was busy tapping on her phone , she didn't acknowledge me ,for me to get the traditional Ina kwana(greetings in hausa.

Something afrah will never do , the times we didn't see eye to eye she still greeted me.

Damn you mind , stop thinking of afrah.

"I reached the gate and was ushered to the living room by Afrahs younger brother zain who asked how his stubborn sister is and if she hadn't given me heart attack yet.

She has given me more than heart attack little bro.

I was in the living room , less than 5 minutes when hamma came in , I greeted him and sat on the floor.

"Afaan I thought you were responsible enough to take care of afrah , Ashe ba ka da kirki (you're not nice) , you want to spoil our relationship with your father ko? We share the same grandparents if you don't know , I just found out too so I'm like a father to you"

"The reason I called you is because afrah called me yesterday night crying that you weren't at home har after three, and she called you the place was very noisy , where were you?!" He asked in a serious tone.

I'm sorry guys I've not been able to update , but I'm through now

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I'm sorry guys I've not been able to update , but I'm through now.

So expect an update everyday either in the morning or after Iftar or both insha allah

I love you all and god bless ❤️❤️

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