Chapter 14

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Rogue pov

   "We need to get back to Lucy and Natsu," I said. When we finally got back to where Lucy and Natsu where. Then I saw (y/n) and Sting. "Why are you guys here?" I asked confused. "I'm fine now," said (y/n). "But you were..." "We don't have time for this there are only four hours left! Did you find anything?" Said, Sting. "Yeah, I think I found the source. Also, What do you mean four hours?" I ask. "Yes! You found the source. We don't have time for details I'll explain the details on the way there. Also, you tell me the details on the way too." said Sting. "Wait before we go we need three people in total," I said. "I can go," said (y/n). "I can go with you guys while Natsu and Lucy defend the village. Please let me go I want to be helpful; I'm fine now!" "We don't have time to argue about the details," said Sting. "I don't care anymore! Whatever you're just doing hurry! We've been fighting for four hours with no sleep I don't know how much longer I can do this." said Lucy. 

   "You're going to need your exceeds to get there. Follow me and Frocsh." When we started flying in the air I explained my plan. "(Y/n) do you think you could turn to shadow form?" "Yeah I think I could," she said. "Okay so the plan is me and (y/n) can turn to shadow form and enter the side of the cave and Sting, Lector can fly you in. Then I'll take the one on the right, (y/n) the center one and Sting you'll take the left. Also, the left and right ones can spawn more monsters." "Why did you need three of us then?" asked (y/n). "Because I tried fighting one, but these monsters can heal each other and they become even stronger each time they heal, they all need to be taken down at the same time." 

   When we were getting close to the cave I asked; "Why do we only have four hours?" "(Y/n) told me that the mayor said they will disappear during the day, but there is always twice as much as there was before every time." Then we got to the entrance of the cave. Lector flew Sting through the center of the cave and (y/n) was able to successfully turn to shadow form. Then we all started fighting the monsters. But I couldn't even get to the monster because of all the smaller ones around it. I looked over at (y/n) she was obviously giving it her all to defeat the monster. Then the two side monsters light up and the center one became instantly stronger. I tried calling her, but it was no use, she was too focused to hear me, also it was really loud with all the monsters cackles they constantly made.

   Then I tried looking at Sting. I couldn't see him very well, but it looked like he had the same problem as me. If we could just get rid of all these annoying monsters.

                                                                         ***1 Hour Later***

   It's been an hour and its all just been pointless fighting Sting and I can't even reach the ones were supposed to defeat. (Y/n) is so focused she's not realizing that Sting and I aren't fighting the other ones. Every time she fights it she's only making it stronger, My plan is failing terribly right now. We need to do something different before it becomes day, and before the monster (y/n) was battling became invincible. I began thinking of a new plan.

(Y/n) pov

   This stupid monster won't die! I keep fighting it and every time it just gets stronger! Which makes no sense because I'm positive Sting and Rogue are fighting there's. I can't be the weak one! I can't be the last one fighting! I have to prove I am trustworthy and reliable. Then again when the monster was close to going down, like always it became stronger.  But then something weird happened the monster became surrounded in a dark blue aura. The hands of the monster became surrounded in it. To my surprise, the monster began using magic. Since when could these monsters use magic? I was so surprised I didn't move, but before it hit me Cyra grabbed me and flew me to outside the cave. "What are you doing," I screamed. "I need to get back out there and fight!" "You aren't going back out there till you guys change your plan, it obviously isn't working," she said.

Sting pov 

   Its been forever and we still haven't been able to fight the monsters. Then I got hit with magic. It hurt so much, but I was also confused since when could this monster use magic? Then I saw the giant monster. Crap it can use magic now, also I didn't see (y/n) hopefully she didn't get hit. The monster tried to hit me again, but I dodged it this time because I was prepared. Then Lector grabbed me and also flew me outside where I saw (y/n) too. "Why did you take me here?" I asked Lector. "Rogue told me to. I think he wants to meet us here because if you haven't noticed, the plan isn't working and now the center one knows magic. Then I saw Rogue's shadow and then Rogue appeared. Okay here's the new plan." said Rogue frantically.

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