Sudden Realizations

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Happy birthday to me! :)

April 11, 1976

Freddie and I had fucked our way through the Japan tour, and now we were planning to do the same with Australia. I felt bad, because Chrissie called almost every single day and I always told her that I loved and missed her- really, I did love and miss her, but she was so plain in the bedroom and Freddie would try something a little different every night. It was a lot, sometimes he would start hitting or biting and it was so fucking hot. I was still in love with my wife, but I needed something different for a little while.

"Freddie isn't coming to rehearsal." Roger sighed after I walked into the stadium. "He called my hotel room this morning and he said that he can't stop throwing up- I'm thinking that it may have been something he ate last night." He shrugged and I frowned while I picked my guitar up.

"So... what're we doing then? Are we still going to rehearse, or should we just go back?" I asked, fiddling with the strings a bit while I looked down.

"I'm going back. Veronica wants to take the kids out on a bit of an adventure before the show tonight." John told us, then he put his bass down and Roger followed him out.

What a waste of time.

I went back to the hotel and I knocked on Freddie's door- he had hung up that 'do not disturb' sign, but he answered for me and he slowly slunk back to his bed after he opened for me.

"I heard that you're not feeling well." I cooed softly and he nodded, curling up and clutching his stomach while he tried to close his eyes. "Is it just in your stomach, or is it somewhere else?" I asked, sitting on the bed and moving so I could lay next to him.

"It's my stomach, and my head, and my mouth... it all just hurts." He whined, softly, then he looked up at me. "I can't keep anything down, which means I can't take the painkillers for the headache, and I just don't know how to get rid of the throbbing in my gums." He sighed and I kissed the top of his head. "Are you feeling okay? We ate the same things for our meals yesterday." He raised an eyebrow and I nodded with a slight frown.

"Yeah, I've been fine since we've started the tour." I shrugged and he sighed before rolling over. "Did it just come out of nowhere?"

"No, it's been going on for a couple days, but today has been the worst." He sighed while he rubbed his stomach in small circles. "I'll be fine. I think I'll just need to get some sleep, then I'll be better for the show tonight- it usually goes away after I have a quick nap." He murmured and I got comfortable behind him, covering us with the thick duvet. "Thank you." He whispered, closing his eyes, and I hummed while I kissed the back of his head, following his hands in rubbing his stomach in small circles.

Something felt so right about him laying there with me and touching me. He wasn't looking to have sex with me, but it felt like he really cared because he was trying to take care of me. I wondered if he was like that with Chrissie- if she let him take care of her when she wasn't feeling well, or if she was rude to him whenever he tried to fix their marriage.

I wondered what it would be like to be married to him, but I knew that he would never leave her- he was truly in love with her, and I was just something fun for him to do while he was away from her. I didn't mind it, I liked being with him simply to please him and make him happy. He was stressed, because Chrissie was having a trouble getting pregnant, and sometimes he took his anger out on me and those nights were some of the best orgasms of my life.

"I don't want to go back to her, Freddie." Brian whispered and I slowly opened my eyes and I turned to face him. "I want... I want to be with you, but I don't know how to leave her." He pressed his forehead to mine and he slowly leaned in to kiss me.

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