The Greatest Discovery

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I had to skip to Finn's birth chapter because I was running out of ideas

March 9, 1981

"Papa, when is Finny gonna come? I've been waiting for too long and I want to see him now." Faria pouted while I pulled her hair back into a long braid. "He's just taking way too long... pretty soon I won't even wanna see him." She looked in the mirror and I chuckled softly.

"His due date was yesterday, love." I told her and her big green eyes lightened- she got Brian's hazel eyes, but they appeared more green than his. "And baba has been pretty tired lately so I think he'll be here within the next couple days." I couldn't help but smile when she squealed. "Why don't you go and make sure that his room is nice and clean while I check on baba, okay?" I lifted her off of the bathroom counter, then she ran off to the nursery.

I sighed, softly, then I slowly made my way back to the bedroom, where Freddie had been keeping himself for the past several days while his body prepared for the labour and birth. I sat on the edge of the bed and he groaned when I gently massaged his side while I looked at the notepad on the bedside table:

March 9
10:15 am - 10:16 am
12:48 pm - 12:52 pm
2:15 pm - 2:17 pm
4:05 pm - 4:06 pm
5:45 pm - 5:48 pm
6:34 pm - 6:36 pm
7:23 pm - 7:24 pm
7:40 pm -

He let out a shaky breath, then he reached over to write 7:43. He had been contracting all day, but he wanted to keep it from Faria because he didn't want her getting scared.

"Are they getting closer?" I asked and he nodded while he slowly sat up. "But your waters haven't broken yet?" He shook his head in reply and I held his hand tightly. "Do you want me to call Jane?" I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles and he gave me a lopsided smile.

"No, not yet... it's still too early and I don't want her sitting here doing nothing." He sighed and I nodded. "Can we walk around for a bit once Faria is sleeping? He might move down more when I'm standing." He suggested and I nodded with a small smile.

"She's going to come and say goodnight to you and Finn, then I'll go and put her to bed." I kissed his slightly damp forehead, then the bedroom door opened and Faria came bouncing in. "Gentle when you come up here, love." I reminded her and she nodded.

Freddie sat up a little more and he smiled when she got onto the bed. Eventually Tiffany had joined her and Faria held her close, despite the fact that Tiffany literally hated it when Faria grabbed her and held her like a baby. She was thrashing around and trying to wiggle out of Faria's arms, so she could run to safety somewhere with the other cats.

"Be nice to Tiff, she's getting old and she doesn't like to be held like that anymore." Freddie chuckled when the cat tried to bite Faria's little fingers a couple times. "Did you come to say goodnight to Finny?" He asked and she nodded with a smile, then she let the cat go and the poor thing skittered off as quickly as possible. Faria rested her head on Freddie's stomach and he smiled while he rubbed his hand over the braid. "Are you excited to be a big sister soon?" He asked and she nodded again with a wide smile.

"Can I be your helper, baba?" She looked up at him and he nodded with a bit of a chuckle.

"Absolutely. We're going to need a lot of help with stinky-bum Finny. Someone will have to change his nappies because I do not want to do that again- yours were enough for me." He smiled at her and she laughed.

"Noooo, that's papa's job!" She squealed while she looked at me and I laughed, pulling her into my lap and tickling her until she was gasping for air. "Stop! Stop!" She laughed, then I let her go and she giggled while she crawled back to Freddie. "Goodnight, baba." She kissed his cheek and he hummed. "Night-night, stinky-bum Finny." She giggled, softly, then she kissed the top of Freddie's stomach and a foot lazily slid along Freddie's side.

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