Luvsick Boys

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A/N: Quick note. Every chapter with a new font is a trigger warning.

The next few days were a whirlwind of emotion, sleep deprivation, singing, and dancing. You had been required to sing for the next stage of your presentation, which you oddly weren't as worried about. At least, you hadn't focused on it as much as you had your dance showcase. That was for sure.
But after you had presented and waited for several agonisingly long days, you finally got the results.

"Welcome back, Ji," Haeun smiled from the reception desk.

You returned her sunny smile. "Hi, Haeun. It's really good to see you again. Why were you out yesterday?"
Her cheeks flushed a flattering shade of red that you wished looked as good on you as it did her. "Well...,"

Before she could finish her sentence, you gasped when you saw that her finger caught the light. "He proposed??"

Haeun shrieked with adorable joy, nodding vigorously. "He did!!"

You felt a huge smile grow across your face as you rushed behind the desk to wrap her in a huge hug. "I'm so happy for you! I can't even— how did he do it?"

Another wave of red washed over her face. "Well, we were running together in the park, like we always do, and then he just suddenly fell over, and when I reached down to see what was wrong, he pulled out a ring!"

You covered your mouth in absolute disbelief.

"That's incredible! I'm so happy for you, Haeun unnie!"

"And I heard that you made it!" she exclaimed.

You opened your mouth to reply, but then her words washed over you. "Wait ..., what?"

Instantly, she covered her mouth. "I was supposed to tell you that."

"I made it?!" you asked, your voice barely over a whisper, knowing that this was too good to be true.

There was no possible way. Sure, you had tried so hard and worked tirelessly for months and months at a time, but to think that you weren't going to be eliminated was just too much to think about. You kept thinking that if you expected the worst that you'd never be disappointed. So far, that philosophy had never let you down. In fact, it had even helped while living with your dad.

Haeun sighed. "Don't tell anyone that I told you that. Just go inside. They're waiting to tell you your results."

Feeling a sense of dread rising up in your stomach, you pushed it down, shakily walking forwards to open the door that you had so often opened when you were so tired, you could barely see. Now, however, you were so nervous that you could barely stand.

Sighing and pushing open the door, you looked towards the table that you had danced in front of a few days shy of a week ago to see the same judges that you had seen before.

You were met with rather cold faces, looking forwards as if they had no feelings.

You pushed down a gulp.

"Min Ji-ah?" one of them asked. You didn't seem to recognise him.

"Yes, sir," you bowed deeply. In times when you were scared, the best idea was to show the utmost amount of respect that you could possibly muster at that very moment.

"Ah, you must be the one I've heard so much about," he said.

Heat rushed to your cheeks faster than you thought possible. "You've been told about me?"

There was a chuckle. "When someone dances a flawless routine with their eyes covered and still manages to convey a story through expression, it's bound to be talked about."

ⓢⓔⓥⓔⓝ ⓡⓔⓐⓢⓞⓝⓢ - J.J.KWhere stories live. Discover now