A Homesick Heart

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A/N: credit for the pic: my lovely lesbian mum Addie.
You had finally arrived home. And by home, you meant the complex at which you spent most of your time. Dohyun was going to drive you back to your school (it was a weekend, so you had a little bit of time to spend with Soo-gi,) but you insisted on going back to where you spent your days as a trainee, convincing yourself that you needed to practice more.

It had been about four when you had gotten home from the MV shooting, and it was now about midnight. Your vocal chords were sore from overuse and taxation, your legs sore from multiple aerials, splits, and high kicks.

You sighed, grabbing your towel and brushing your forehead with it. Looking in the mirror, you sighed. Your feet were bruised from being on pointe for hours on end, your tank top soaked with tears and sweat. As you looked for longer, you inspected yourself, slowly becoming more and more disappointed.

Before, you had never really thought about your body, even though you knew that you were probably the furthest thing from stereotypical beauty in your country. But now, looking in the mirror, you had never felt more crushed. You could now fully see your form. The largeness of your chest, and the embarrassing fullness of your backside. The wetness of your shirt caused it to cling to your chest and waist, showing the proportions of your body. The huge chest and tiny waist that somehow supported the rest of you.

You sighed, pushing a hand through your hair. It was time to go back to school. You and Soo-gi always stayed there every weekend, you not wanting to go home, and her staying with you for that exact reason.

"Well," you exhaled, "I should probably get going."

You started to pack up your stuff into your backpack, heading towards the bathroom to wash your sweat off your face. However, when you reached the bathroom, you were surprised to hear a rustle within the room.

Your heart raced at the sudden movement. You weren't alone.

"Hello?" you called out. So what if it was how people died in horror movies? You were both scared and curious, a terrifying and dangerous combination when it came to you. You wanted to know who was there. "Is anyone in here?"

There was no response.

You leaned closer to the bathroom door, hoping to hear the noise again. At least that would confirm your suspicions.

"Hello?" you asked again, hoping to get a response this time.

However, instead of a response, you heard a loud gasp.

You leaned forward, concerned. As you listened closer, you started to recognise the sounds. Your heart plummeted at the familiar sound. It was crying. To most people, it would have been hard to tell. But you would recognise the shortness of breath, gasping for air, broken in half by the racking sobs leaving the body.

"Hey!" you yelled. Now, it wasn't a cautious call. It was a panicked scream. You could feel the anxiety rising up, making your hands tremble. From all of your experiences and days shut in the bathroom, crying alone, you knew that could only mean one thing.

"I know you're in there!" you called, now putting your hand on the knob, trying to open it. When you realised it was locked, it sent your heart into even further panic. You pulled on it furiously in a desperate attempt to stop the person inside before they could do anything worse.

There was another loud sob. Either they didn't hear you, or they didn't care.

"I'm coming in some way, alright?" you declared.

Another sob.

You winced, realising how bad it sounded. Inhaling deeply to try and even out your breathing and stop the panic attack before it worsened, you continued, softening the tone of your voice. "I don't want to scare you. And the last thing I would want to do is hurt you. So please don't worry about that. I just ... I just want to help, okay?"

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