Day 1: Getting lost in Jotunheim

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(Author: This happens in a circumstance when Loki discovered who he truly is, a Frost Giant, but he was loved enough to accept himself as a part of Asgard. Ever since then, he lives a happy life with Thor as well as the rest of the family.) 


"Hey brother, let's go to Jotunheim, I really want to test my power." Thor excitingly calls out for Loki.

"We are not doing that, Thor. It's dangerous." Loki, flipping another page on the book he's reading, shaking his head in refusal. The God of Thunder? More like the God of War, he thinks. "Besides, how can you get there without father's permission? Heimdall won't just open the Bifrost for you like nothing."

Yet, again, after all the things Loki has said, the next thing he knows is that he finds himself heading to the Bifrost with Thor. He rolls his eyes, eventually, he can't resist a puppy-eyed Thor. The trip to Jotunheim happens more easily than how Loki thinks it should and he doesn't know why.

"See brother? Just a piece of cake." Thor grins. Such a complacent puppy, Loki thinks.

As they walk further in, Loki sense a familiar feeling, just like he belongs to this place. It feels so right that Loki is uncomfortable with it. But he doesn't have long before a Frost Giant appears and pull them into a battle.

One Frost Giant is still sort of easy for them, but as time goes by, more and more of them are attracted and come over. The battle becomes severe. Thor isn't used to his power yet, and Loki isn't born for fighting or making much of physical damage. Without any other choices, they have to run away in terror.

"I told you this would be dangerous, brother. You can never listen, can you?" Loki complains when they can finally find somewhere safe enough to hide.

"Don't worry, I will tell Heimdall to open the Bifrost and we can return home in no time." Thor assuredly says.

"You think he will open it when there are Frost Giants out there searching for us? He can't risk bringing them to Asgard, so unless we can safely getting rid of them, we won't be able to go back." Loki starts whingeing, he always knows that Thor equals trouble. Then Loki giggles because to think of it, none of those was made without him involved in it.

And with all that being said, they decide to stay in there until the Frost Giants all leave. They thought it was wise, until the weather gets incredibly cold outside, enough for both of our Gods feel truly uncomfortable.

"I didn't know it can be this freezing here." Thor says, his entire body is shaking.

"Neither did I." Loki isn't any better. "Can you move? maybe a bit of exercise will help, although it isn't something we should do here."

Thor tries to move as his brother said, but apparently, his muscles have been frozen due to the temperature out there. "We have to get back to Asgard quick or we will become two little iced Asgardian statues, and I don't want to be a statue." Thor mumble.

"But we can't know whether it's safe or not, and if we call Heimdall we may reveal ourselves. You know how dangerous that is." Loki gets more and more serious. It's not just cold, seems like there is a snowstorm and they can't hear, or see anything outside. "Unless..."

"Don't!" Thor gathers all the strength that he has left to grab Loki's arm. "I know you hate it Loki, and it won't be any less dangerous." His hand feels really cold on Loki's skin.

"Even so, it's the only possible way, Thor." Loki holds Thor's hand and rubs it a bit. "Maybe next time out my word under consideration before doing anything will you?" He smirks.

Then, Loki's skin starts to turn blue, his eyes become red, and his appearance slightly changes to a more Frost Giant alike figure. He now looks very similar to any of them, but way smaller. He stands up, dusts away all the snow on his body. "Whatever I say, this body is still better in this condition."

"Since when can you transform like that?" Thor suddenly remembers that Loki was never able to do this, not that he knows of. 

Loki turns around to look at Thor. "I've learned to since I know." He gives him a sad smile before going outside.

Loki silently rushes out, the freezing weather doesn't seem to bother him anymore. He knows he has to be fast, Thor may not be able to take this for any longer. Holding his dagger tight in the palm of his hand, Loki starts to investigate the area about 500 meters around where they are hiding. After seeing no sign of the Frost Giants, he breathes out a sigh of relief and quickly returns to Thor. "We're safe now. We can go home."

Thor, who looks nearly unconscious, find himself being dragged out of his place. "Sorry brother, it would take too long for me to carry you on my back." Loki explains, but Thor will say it's too hard to believe with that big grin on his brother's face. I might kick your ass if I still have the strength to, brother. Thor rolls his eyes.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost." They call, but there is no response, and the Bifrost doesn't open.

"Why was that?" Thor asks.

"I don't know, Thor, but if we can't come back now, at least we have to find a way to warm you up." Loki drags Thor back to the place they hid, since that's the only place they have that isn't blown in. 

"If I can say, brother, your body is really warm right now." After they get in the place, Thor says it out of the blue. Loki can be sure that if his skin isn't blue now, Thor can see him blushing like crazy. He starts to take off his armours, lies down next to Thor and hugs him. Thor is taken aback, he didn't mean anything when he said so though. But... this feels good.

"You might want to take your armours off too, brother." Loki whispers.

"How about give me a little help? You know I'm almost frozen here." Thor chuckles, there's nothing he likes more than teasing this little brother of his. Again, he's just saying, not really expecting anything, but...

After struggling to take off Thor's armours, Loki and he hugs each other and slowly falls asleep. Thor holds onto Loki for dear life, literally, because his body has the warmth that keeps Thor comfortable enough in this place. Outside, the snowstorm is fading away.

"You two might want to wake up. We have to go home." A familiar voice wakes them up. They rub their eyes, and then see Odin standing there. Loki looks back at himself, he's still in his Frost Giant form. It takes him a moment to turn back and then they slowly walk towards their father.

"Father..." Thor innocently smiles, only to receive a frown from Odin.

Before any of them speak up, the Bifrost opens. Odin catches their hands and take them back to Asgard. "I can assure myself that you have learned your lesson?" Odin asks.

"Yes Father, we are sorry..." Loki says, but before he finishes his sentence, Odin pats him on the shoulder.

"I know everything, son. Next time don't do that without asking me first." Odin calmly smiles. "That snowstorm really affects our transport system, I might want to find a way to fix that." Then he leaves.

"You thought he would throw a tantrum at me so you wanted to protect me, aren't you?" Thor pokes at Loki waist.

"No, I didn't." Loki protests.

"Anyway thank you for keeping me warm back there. I'm so gonna tell everyone about it." Thor laughs. He can say that now Loki is more comfortable with who he was.

"Don't you dare, brother." Loki shouts. Thor pretends to run away in terror and Loki chases him. Their laughter echo in the garden.

"Don't you want to tell them that you let Heimdall open the Bifrost for them?" Frigga softly asks. They're at the balcony, looking down to their children playing happily.

"Loki needs to learn to accept himself. He's more confident now, you see, and letting him know that won't do any help." Odin wraps his arm around Frigga's waist. "Just let it be."

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