The First Fall

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The First Fall


"You understand where you're going from here?" Thea asked me. I looked away from her and sighed my only response.

"Nobody know's these grounds better than me..." I smirked. "Can I at least say goodbye to her first?"

"Very well." Thea nodded and glanced forward for a moment; apprehension flicking around within her eyes. "She's waiting on you anyway." Then she turned away as well as me.

"Kyra!" I called out. She wasn't in the cave in the mountain, she wasn't nearby either and her scent was nowhere to be smelt. I was panicking now, but when I did find her, she was peering up at the hills which stretched into the far distance. "There you are!" I chuckled.

"If you've come to say goodbye, then save yourself the trouble!" she snapped.

"Look Kyra, I'm sorry! I need to go... It's part of the plan. I don't want to leave like this. Not wiith all this tension." I sat next to her, inhaling the wind deep inside me.

I wanted to continue, but Kyra was rajin inside, so instead I remained utterly silent, savoring this rare quietude. I knew it would be the last time I would ever be sitting with Kyra like this, and I didn't want it to end. Especially not the way things were.


No. He wasn't going; Kallum wouldn't leave me, I told myself. What Thea said to me that morning, about him having to leave me for Shax's plan to take action, well, she must have been lying! She must've been? What stupid fool would lead me into a trap, only to come and "rescue" me out of it again? It was insane... but I couldn't stay mad at Kallum - not him - not my best friend. Agreeing with my inner self, literally - for Ada's thoughts were encouraging me - I looked at Kallum from the corner of my eyes. He looked so peaceful sitting there, next to me. The wind was whirling across the bristles which were smeared all over his body; his ears were pinned lightly above his head, always on alert yet relaxing too, and Twilight became evident that it was deepening.

"When will... When will I next see you?" I finally asked, gulping.

"No more than a few days," he replied nonchalantly, still not looking at me.

A few bloody days!

"I see... and... Will you be ok - safe I mean?"

"ME!" he shouted, now snapping his big head in my direction. "IT'S YOU WHOSE GOING TO ENTER HIS LAND! IT'S YOU WHO'LL BE IN DANGER! - IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU!!" he screamed but then became quieter as his seemingly fuming endeavour disappeared "Why, in a situation like this, are you worrying about me?"

"Because Kallum, you're my best friend! You're like my true brother - the one Jack should've been! And... I love you." I whispered, staring into depths of his big, dark eyes where I witnessed something in them begin to shine.

"I love you too, Kyra."


She had no idea how long I had waited to pronounce those very three words to her... No idea whatsoever! And even although it was a love of sheer brotherhood for her, it was an unconditional and death-defying love for me. Admittedly it was sometimes uncontrollable, but it was still there for her and always had been. If only she had opened up her eyes, it wouldn't have been to late. Not then, anyway.


"I know the plan, Kal. Thea was more than willing to fill me in on the gory details... You will meet Shax at dawn. You will leave with Shax at dusk, only to leave me to roam about until twilight approaches which is when my human scent will lure the wolves to me and then I'll phase back; become the she wolf and let Amoux track down my scent for himself and then he'll capture me.. Blah blah, hardy har!"

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