An Unexpected Acquaintance

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An Unexpected Acquaintance


Yes, I was dead. It still didn't feel realistic enough to me. It didn't seem as if it had hit me yet... Actually, now that I thought about it, nothing had. Question's which I first created from the moment I had watched Kallum phase mounted from simple, murky moors to high, obscure mountains. I was a real werewolf? I could read peoples thoughts? I had other, undiscovered abilities? Paranormal and othe mystical creatures were real? I wondered if vampires were real, too. I wondered about a lot of things. How I would no longer have to go to school be because I was appareny dead? I dwelled thoughtfully on how some wolves in our pack hadn't phased since the beginning of their first phase; this included Seirs, Luna and even Shax. I asked why this was but I never really got a specific answer. My list of probings went forever on. The only question I ever got an answer to was, Yes. You are the Destined She Wolf, said Shax. Shax whom had still directed me as "girl" and never by my name. I actually began to take midnight runs with Shax during some twilights. Shax was the only who even persuaded me to eat a tiny portion of animal.

"Eat it it, girl. After all, it's all you'll be seeing from here on." He laughed, then said, "Bon appetite." I glared at the nameless and oozing piece of dead animal which lay before me. No way.

* * *

It had been almost four and a half months since my arrival at 'the cave' and I still felt like an outsider. My impressions of the other wolves, however, had somewhat altered. As much as they paraded around the place pompously, always turning their snout up at me, they were alright wolves. I guessed from my indepth analysis that only 9 from the 16 wolves were actually werewolves, and neither of them could recall phasing back to a human after their first phase. That was until the opening of November, when all of a sudden I asked Shax if I could take a walk-by myself.

"Don't be absurd girl!" He complained In his normal, cool superior voice. "You know, as well as I do, that to let you to do that would be completely irresponsible of me."

"But Shax!" I groaned. "I know how to defend myself now, so what's there to worry about? I'll take a run from the eastern border line and arrive at the western entrance, avoiding any wolf or beast I may come across. Blah, blah, blah." I said, not really having the slightest clue what I was talking about either.

There was an extremely sustained silence before Shax turned and looked at me, where he then agreed to let me go.

"Very well," he replied. "But you better arrive where and when you said you would, and before the snow kicks in. If you decide to go against these circumstances the I'll be forced to come and hunt for you myself."

I nodded apprehensively then turned around and walked away into the shdowed trees.

My run was nothing unusual. A few meaningless times I would saunter into the forest, stare up questioningly at the moon and think about Kallum's location. Where was he? I'd often wonder. He could disappear for days, leaving me restless at the caves. More than often enough I would feel enraged by Kallum's sudden appearances and disappearances. What was he doing? Why wouldn't he just tell me?

I groaned in frustration and in my wolf form, like always, I began trotting through a gap which led to an open area where I guessed was south of the forest. When I lost the scent of my pack, I began to feel out of my comfort zone and my steps slowed.

The moon was directly above now, more radiant than ever before. The sky was cloudless and though there was neither a trace of frost nor snow in sight, my breath quivered and foretold that the approach would not be withheld. Winter was surely approaching. Great. I was excited, for winter was my favourite season of the year. I guess it was because I -- Wait! What was that? I wondered, hearing a peculiar noise. It ricocheted vibratingly through my ears and into my nerve system. The sound was no sound like I'd ever heard. It was almost like a howl, but being screamed out from a human's voice? I stopped steadily on the spot. I was half way walking up a slope when my ears twitched about alarmingly, uncertain just was much as I was. I could smell what smelt like to me, the scent of mouldy cheese or sour milk. It was a smell to me which almost made me physically sick. Like baby's sweat. Again my ears flicked about in search for a clear direction. I took a few steps forward, wondering what if I was getting followed? I repeated Shaxs' wise words inside my mind, 'Don't be absurd girl!" and then I carried on.

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