Not Accepting It

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Not Accepting It

(Kyra: human form)

When dawn rose high in the sky, the scarlet and amber clouds clashing with the sun rays, I was back in my human form. I couldn't believe it. What a night I had. I howled. I mean - I actually howled!

"Here," Kallum said. I turned around and witnessed him averting his eyes from my nakedness, nudging a pile of clothes towards me. He was such a gentleman towards me, but there was no need to avert his eyes for he's seen me like this so many other times. We were basically joined by the hip. Though the transformation into a wolf was a little bit different - humans' didn't get to witness such a thing every day. But there was no need for him to feel embarrassed!

Quickly I thanked him and began covering myself.

Once safely reunited with my top, jeans and shoes, Kallum and I began departing through the forest. I often wondered how long it would take to walk through the entire forest, because it was the deepest and longest woodland in all of the United Kingdom.

"I still don't believe it!" Kallum complained. "How it was your first night phasing after you turned  and you've regained all your energy back so suddenly!"

"Tell me about it." I sighed, feeling a little more than relieved.

On our journey home, Kallum explained further more about the whole werewolf situation. He informed me about the 'choices' I'd be able to make.

"Soon," he said. "You'll be able to phase not only on the full moon, but whenever you want."

I gasped and considered the possibilities. Definitely no more school for me!

"But Kal, you saw what happened to me last night... My phase joined into one. From what you've told me, that's not normal."

"I know, and yes I did see what happened..." His dark eyes narrowed, merging into thin slits. I stared into them, picturing his gigantic wolf inside my mind, while he sucked on his lips before continuing. "I once got told the legacy about the ancient She Wolf. And no, Kyra, she was not just any she wolf! She was the dominator of us all; the chosen key. It was said that the She would initially phase on the first new moon of winter. Her fur was as silk as satin, as white as the driven snow. The only thing that she differed from us normal wolves was the tones of her fur. Her white clashed with a deep metallic blue which indeed made her stand out amongst us all. She was truly a beautiful creature..." Kallum stopped, and noticed my captivation. He smiled and removed a couple of branches out of my way before he resumed. "However with the repeated phases of females, she was rarely discovered. In fact, she was never discovered."

"How did they search for her?"

"They say if you search for her eyes, which are as blue as her fur - which only she was blessed with such -then you'd find her."

"But Kal!" I exclaimed. "I have blue eyes! I saw them last night and-"

"I know!" he interrupted. There was a brief moment of silence before he avoided my gaze once more and began taking a firmer speed up through the forest. "She is to be mated as soon as discovered. It was something to do with her blood. This is the reason she was never found. She buried herself deep in the forest, and buried her memories deep in the snow."

"What if, in theory, she was found... Who would she have to mate with?" I asked, trying to steady myself behind him.

"Who do you think? The alpha male of course!"  He said this with a great deal of annoyance behind his words. "No doubt you'll meet him one day."

"But what if she wouldn't want to meet him?" I said, with moist eyes. Kallum turned around and stared deeply into my eyes, his full with adoration.

We were both fully aware as to why Kallum told me, speficially, out of all people, about The She wolf legacy. To experience the gift of being a werewolf, and then to be told your destiny, so abruptly. No, I wouldn't allow it.

"I'm not having it!"

"Then you don't have to." He finally whispered, and tenderly, he turned away from me.

"Thanks Kal... I mean, thanks for being with me last night. I thought I knew what to expect, but I guess not. But most of all thanks for being here for my first phase. I've got so many questions-"

"I shall answer your questions in time, but for now. We both need to get a wash."

He laughed.

"Oh I know, it's disgusting!"

"Get used to it," he chuckled this time; a low, quiet one. "From now on this is what you'll smell of..."

We both continued our hysteria throughout our expedition home.

We laughed until our cheeks ripped and our sides ached. It wasn't until we were out of my pathetic use of a home, when I realised I had to leave. I requested that Kallum should meet me at the lake, at midnight and without a doubt he agreed to do so. He revealed to me that he would explain everything - explain our responsibilities of being what we were. Explain hunting, and our much more graphic abilities.

Basically, he was going to explain everything to me - or so he said.

I was entirely conscious that deep down I could depend on Kallum no matter what. After all, what were best friends for?

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