The Light in Kallum's Heart

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(I'm gonna finish this soon. Three chapters left, maybe four? And I know, random youtube song<3)


The Light in Kallum's Heart


We had been running for days on end, and gradually, the days mounted into weeks. I'm sick of running. Ill was sick of being... A werewolf. I was sick of being me in general! What happened to those days when I could talk and my mouth would move? When I could shower? When Kallum and I'd laugh all night long at the funny faces my brother used to pull when he was sleeping? What happened to the days when I was a human, and my biggest worry in life was what subjects I was going to take in fourth year? I didn't know. Now I worry only about my life.

"You know something?" Thea snapped. "The other's never complained as you do!"

I looked forward and saw her green eyes gleaming back at me; she was good at running without looking. "They thought of it as an honor to be the chosen one."

"She does think of it as an honor!" Kallum noted out, nervously. I snarled then began to slow my walk. In a few moments we'd be bolting straightly for at least a few hours - I wanted a short rest.

[I never thought of it as an honor,] cried Ada, my inner wolf. [I thought of it as a curse.]

I sighed and looked up at the sky; deep down I knew I agreed with her... kind of.

"Almost there," Thea whispered. She stopped rather tersely on the spot. Almost there? We were in the same area as we were yesterday, and the day before and the day before that. The whole entire forest looked the same to me, apart from the small areas I often discovered myself. The caves, the rocks, the waterfall, the lake, the -

"NOW!" Kallum and Thea screamed. Suddenly a gail of wind was blowing our way, more stridently than ever. The havoc it was creating was disturbing but I had no time to think - I had to run.

According to wolves and werewolves, you can create a better run and speed if you run alongside the wind; which is what we were doing. It almost hurt. Well, for Kallum and sometimes for Thea, but for me - it felt like nothing. The wind whipping across my face was almost unnoticeable. I couldn't feel anything - the only thing it did do to me was unleash the adrenalin inside me and it felt bloody fantastic!

But then the wind quietened and began to sing sweet whispers against my ear. It was so relaxing. And I'm not exaggerating - I never noticed it when I was a human that how beautiful nature was. The moon, the wind, the lakes - the forest, everything!

"Ugh, Kal - does she ever shut up?" complained Thea.

"It's not her fault she likes to think."

"Thinking would be underestimating it!" Thea sniggered and Kallum laughed. It was strange. It was the first time Kallum had laughed in god knows how long - but it still wasn't his human laugh...

"Where are we?" I finally asked but it needed to reply for once I looked around at my surroundings, I knew we had reached the bridge which met the mountains but there was still no mountains in sight. It wasn't until, Kallum by my side, when we ran forward and I could see a few hills stretching across the distance. We still had a few miles ahead. Argh!

"I'll ask again, will you stop complaining!"

"How old are you Thea?" I asked her, trying to stop her from complaining about my complaining.

"Never... ever... ask a lady her age." Thea panted.

"But you're a panther. Never ask a panther her age? That's just daft!"

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