Chapter 3

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The drive to the night club was quite silent for both Anika and Shivay, they hardly exchanged words between them. Anika was uncomfortable with the heavy silence and tried making small talk once in a while, but Shivay only grunted and curtly nodded in response, this made Anika even more awkward and she kept mum for the rest of the journey. Shivay on the other hand focused straight on the road and never even spared a side glance at Anika.

In the club, they had taken a corner booth, a little away from both the bar and the dance floor - they were a big group, and they wanted to slosh it out throughout the night, it was a tough week for all. Rudra sat at one end, followed by Tia, Shivay, Somz, Anika and Om, the couch was semi-circular and they all were chatting casually and having fun. Of course Somz was trying hard to ignore that suddenly flirtatious roomie of hers, who was seated right next to her, and who kept giggling seeing her uncomfortable! Women' she mentally sighed.

Tia sat there followed Anika with narrowed eyes as she sat chatting with Om, her heart wanted to hurl something mean at her, for being so close to her brother, but she remembered Om's caution and decided to keep quiet - she turned to Rudra and saw he was busy fiddling with his phone, then she turned towards Shivay, with all her charm, but Shivay wasn't looking at her, in fact he seemed to be deeply engrossed in hearing Om, Anika and Somz's conversation. Feeling irritated, she tugged at Shivay's hand and coaxed him to join her at the dance floor - though Shivay needed some more time and a few more drinks to loosen up, he agreed seeing Tia's adorably puppy face.

As Shivay and Tia left for the dance floor, Somz moved closer to Rudra, closing the gap between them - seeing Shivay and Tia leave, Anika looked at his retreating figure with a slightly disheartened look, but Om engaged her back in conversation before she felt too bad.

Somz moved towards Rudra and punched his arm casually, Rudra looked up in question, "Dude, what's bugging you? You're not right hain nah?" Rudra asked perceptively.

"Dude, you have fags on you? Let's smoke" replied Somz and pulled Rudra up and they walked out of the club. They were standing at the parking lot and smoking, but they weren't really conversing, since Rudra kept fiddling with his phone.

"Can you cut it out dude? You're behaving like a puberty hit chic, fawning over that toy of your's" muttered Somz in irritation.

"Ssup mate?" Rudra enquired, he looked concerned.

Somz didn't reply immediately. He needed to think this through - what was it that he was really feeling? What made him jittery, then he slowly begun, "Dude, it's Anne. She told me something, that's bothering me."

"What? Does she want to move out now? Did you make a move at her bro?" asked Rudra quickly.

"Shut the f**k up dude, it's not that" then he went on to explain how Anika wanted him to help her with her dress and when she got annoyed, how Anika went on to say that it's not natural for a guy to not feel attracted towards a half dressed woman. "Rudra, bro I was you you think I am gay?" asked Somz in a harsh whisper. He looked confused and vulnerable.

Rudra let out a laugh, "Dude get a grip. You are not gay! If you were, we'd be married by now" he laughed again, Somz felt better hearing him. Rudra continued, "It's just that, I am sure you have always seen Anne like a sibling, hence you aren't attracted to her. Don't worry, when you meet the right girl, you will figure out how straight you are!" said Rudra with a convinced smile.

"Bro, how are you so sure? Did you meet such a girl?" asked Somz with a frown. Rudra just smiled looking at him, and then it struck Somz, andhe looked at Rudra's phone accusingly. "Who's she?" he questioned, eyes shining in excitement.

"Junior from college - Priyanka, she is sweet. I like her." Smiled Rudra. Somz forgot his worry in thrill, his best buddy was in love! Now he needed to find a girl for himself too, that would shut that big blabber mouth Anika for good he thought.

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