Chapter 21

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As they entered the multiplex, Shivay noticed that Om was still clutching Anika's hand protectively, he felt irritated - it was one thing to really fall in love with someone and hold onto her in protectiveness, and it was completely another thing to hold on to someone who loves you, for vengeance - hate dripped Shivay's eyes at the sight of Om.

When Mallika and Daksh came there, Shivay saw Mallika's eyes momentarily flicker at the sight of Om clutching on to Anika's hand - her face looked ashened for a second before she put on her facade and greeted her di with a hug, ignoring Om. Shivay noticed that at the sight of Mallika, even Om's face got clouded for a flash of a second before he recovered. Then Shivay saw him noticing Shivay and going back to clutching Anika's hand.

When Rudra arrived, Soumya went to greet him, they were doing slightly better in terms of interaction now - the other day when she went to the football field, even though she just watched the guys play, she was physically feeling compelled to join the game - but she kept quiet. Rudra had noticed that and after rehearsals were over and everybody left the field, he had offered her to play with him - just him. Soumya had flashed a brilliant smile - for a moment Rudra thought he saw Somz in the smile - then they played - Soumya was thrilled to be back on the field - she played with all her energy and laughed freely after her final goal that Rudra missed - Rudra laughed too, freely after a long time - Soumya was fun he thought - especially when he saw glimpses of Somz in him - today when Soumya greeted him and asked where Priyanka was, Rudra sounded a bit awkward and replied that she was busy and quickly changed the topic. Soumya was surprised, but before she got a chance to revert, the doors to the screening room opened and they all began to file inside.

After the movie Om suggested they went out for dinner - all agreed - after all exams were over, it was the best time - Anika though reluctant, agreed when Om coaxed her and said his girlfriend didn't had updated her status saying she checked in the same lounge.

As they sat in the lounge, Soumya and Rudra were engaged in a friendly conversation, Daksh was fiddling with his phone, Tia had gone out to take a call and Om and Anika were whispering to themselves - Shivay noticed Mallika, she was sitting quietly and glancing at Om and Anika who were not even sparing a glance at her - he felt bad for Mallika, somewhere he and Mallika were on the same boat. He engaged in a light conversation with her to improve her mood - even though Mallika was reciprocating, he could see her eyes glancing at Om and Anika in every few minutes. After sometime Shivay noticed Om take Anika's hand and take her away from there - he got suspicious - he didn't like the smirk he saw in Om's face - unless he was reading too much into things, Om was upto something. He swiftly excused himself from Mallika and followed them - Om was taking Anika away from them towards a more secluded corner of the lounge - at this side there were only a few couples slow dancing to the music, it was darker here and it felt somehow more private - Shivay's instinct took over as he stood in the shadow near the bar to keep an eye on them. They were slow dancing - immersed in each other's eyes he thought bitterly.

Om was looking intently at Anika and she looked back at him, visibly a little confused. He spoke, "My girl is here - she is dancing with him. Anika this is the last step - either it works or it doesn't - from here our fake relation goes nowhere else. Okay? Thank You for helping so far and sorry for what will happen now - I hope you will find it in you to forgive me - this is my last attempt"he finished. Anika was startled, what was that? What did Om just say she thought confused, but whatever happened next left her so shocked and numb that her entire being froze for a moment - Om had suddenly cupped his hands around her face and gently pressed both his thumbs over her lips in crisscross and pressed his lips on them - for a moment in state of a freeze Anika really thought Om was kissing her, but she realized his thumbs were keeping their lips from meeting - even then the proximity repelled her but before she could choose to act she felt someone pull away Om from her and the next moment Om was on the floor with a blue-black jaw and a slightly bruised and bleeding lip - she turned around in shock to see Shivay massaging his knuckles with fury written on his face - he has the one who pulled and punched Om - but why thought Anika confused as she bent down to pull Om up to his feet in reflex.

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