Chapter 7

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"Hi, do you want to go for dinner tonight?" asked Mallika cautiously over the phone.

"I don't mind" replied Daksh with a small smile. Mallika jumped silently in delight. Daksh continued, "I will pick you up at 8 then?" - "Sure" replied Mallika.

Daksh was walking out of college when Mallika had called him, as he hung up, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see Tia smiling at him brightly. She greeted him and engaged herself in a small talk with him. There was something about this man - Daksh - he was so matured, smart and distinguished in a certain way - someone she could flaunt with pride in her eyes - something that would make other women jealous of her - he was humorous too, but polite at the same time - he could sweep people of their feet with just a few chivalrous gestures - Tia was smitten by him. Shivay didn't stand a chance before him. Conversing with Daksh wasn't difficult either, he could easily keep a free flow of conversation and Tia just needed to look gorgeous. After half an hour and a cup of tea from the cafeteria, Daksh said he needed to get going. But there were dark clouds in the sky, he glanced at the sky and looked at Tia, "Hey Tia, do you want me to drop you? The weather seems to getting rough" Tia flashed a glamourous smile, "Oh Daksh, how sweet of you. Actually I am very scared of thunders you know. It would be great if you could drop me." Daksh smiled, "Sure, come with me"

When they almost reached Tia's hostel, she looked at him with a smile, "Hey Daksh, I want to thank you properly for dropping me safely. Do you want to do dinner with me tonight?

"I would love to Tia, but you see, I have already made plans with a friend tonight. Maybe some othertime?" he replied. Tia was slightly disheartened, but well he didn't say no, he just deferred it. "Cool" she replied.

When Daksh reached Tia's hostel, he was surprised. Tia and Mallika stayed in the same hostel? He turned to Tia and smiled, "As it so happens Tia, the friend I have dinner plans with, she stays here too!" Tia was surprised, "she?" did he have a girlfriend already? She decided to probe, "Here? In my hostel? What's her name? I may know her!"

"Mallika" he replied. Tia gasped as understanding seeped in.

"Mallu" is your friend? Oh my God, such a small world. She is my roomie! We are very close you know! We are like sisters!! Oh I see, you mentioned you're Anika's family friend right? Aah so you are bound to know Mallu!" she laughed in relief - she knew Mallika was mentally engaged to somebody since childhood, that meant Daksh was just a friend for her. Great she thought.

Daksh was taken by surprise by this revelation too. True he had agreed to dinner with Mallika, but he didn't want to say no' that's why - he honestly felt Mallika might take it as a date and he didn't want her to assume so early. He now had a plan, to make the dinner truly friendly, maybe he could invite Tia too? That way all their plans would work out. Mallika would get her dinner, and Tia could thank him and also he could subtly make Mallika realize that it wasn't a date - Mallika was matured, she would take the hint.

"Hey Tia, that's great you know! If you guys are best friends, then why don't you join us? Mallika would love it too!" asked Daksh with a smile, and Tia readily agreed!

As she got out of the car, Daksh called out, "I will pick you guys up at 8 okay?" Tia smiled and walked towards the hostel, all the while dancing internally. Then she brought out her phone, and sent a text.

5:17p.m. [Hey Shivaay baby! Sorry, too tired after all the travelling. Can we re-schedule dinner to some other time?]

In another five minutes, a reply text prompted her,

5:22p.m. [I understand sweets, some other time it is!]


Anika sat by Shivay and looked straight ahead. The sky started getting steadily darker. Shivay looked at her unreadable face and sighed. He couldn't dive straight into the topic, it might get worse, so he begun,

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