Chapter 19

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"Bhai your girl is sucking up to my guy way more than my liking. As I promised you, I won't mistreat beh- err Anika, but why don't you take care of this? Keep her away from hovering over my Shivay, else I will have to take the matter in my hand it wouldn't be a nice thing for your lady love" Tia huffed over the phone to a mildly amused Om.

"Don't worry behenji, I will take care of it. I won't let Shivay lurk around my Anika for too long" he replied chuckling.

"BHAI!! Did you just call me behenji!?!?"she asked shocked. No one had ever called her with such a demeaning name.

"Err.. aren't you my sister?" laughed Om as he hung up on an infuriated Tia.

Om wondered, how he could take care of the situation, so far the plan had worked, but this was the tricky part - if he let Tia intervene, she would cause hindrance between Shivay and Anika, and their bond hadn't acquired the strength yet to sustain such a blow - if he had to stop Tia, he had to interrupt them then, and he didn't know how that was possible with Shivay literally staying at Anika's unless of course...Om smirked mischievously.


The day was passing chirpily at Anika's. Apart from Soumya's extra feminine behaviour around Shivay which got him cracking up thus upsetting Soumya, otherwise everything was pretty much in order - Shivay and Anika had revised all morning, and after lunch, Anika sat back to start revision for her elective examination paper which was due the next day - while Shivay decided to relax a little by watching a movie - both were living complacently in each other presence, it felt like there never really existed a hollow in their hearts.

In the evening when Anika was more or less confident about her preparation for the exam next day, she finally decided to relax a little by taking a break - she came to the living room to witness Shivay watching football - he was taking a break too. She was just about to go join him for a bit, when the doorbell rang - she went to get the door and was met by a cheerful face outside her apartment - she was surprised - "You?" she exclaimed surprised.

As Om walked into her apartment and saw Shivay sitting on the couch and watching football, his smiled broadened and he waved at Shivay. Shivay looked at him startled, what was Om doing here? It was almost night! Was Anika going for a date even one-day before her exams he thought infuriated. But then he noticed a handbag that Om just dropped on the floor - was he going somewhere? Maybe he came to say bye? Thought Shivay hopefully - but their exams started in two days, why would Om go anywhere, unless of course it means - Oh My GOD - he stared at Om in disbelief, completely sure that this time his guess was right.

"Hey Anika, I came to stay here too! We ll prepare together for the exams now!" he announced and hugged her from the side - surprise was plastered all over her face as she looked at Om - Om was also staying here? What was happening? But before she c ould retort, they heard Soumya mutter darkly from behind them, "Great one more MAN around" - after that none of them could help laughing.

Om crashed next to Shivay and was watching the football, and trying to make light conversation with Shivay - he wanted to see Shivay's reaction, but surprisingly Shivay wasn't reacting - he just sat there darklu and kept watching football - and no-matter what Om told him, he replied in grunts.

After dinner, when Om suggested that it was late and he and Anika should retire to their bedroom, it was then that Shivay reacted, much to Om's satisfaction.

"What, now you guys need to sleep together too?" uttered Shivay in irritation.

"Bro, have I ever asked you that in Tia's context? You do what you guys like, and I do what we like" he retorted pointing a finger at himself and Anika. Shivay just scowled, he truly didn't have a reply, but he somehow didn't want to wait and see Om and Anika enter the bedroom together. After giving a very scandalized looking Anika a dark look, Shivay continued, "Well bro, in that case you gotta sleep with her in the couch, cause she had offered me her bed and since I don't fit in the couch, I am using the bed - unless of course you don't fit on the couch too, then you can join me in the bedroom of course and let Anika take the couch"

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