Chapter 14

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"Uffo di, I know it is not the exam pressure or homesickness that is worrying you. Unlike that Somz, I know you well. Spill it out - NOW" commanded Mallika with hands on her waist.

Anika looked at her for a moment, and couldn't take it any longer, she dashed to hug her sister and weeped on her shoulder. Mallika was too alarmed to speak, she had never seen her di break down this bad - something was terribly wrong.

"Mallika, I love him Mallika, I really do. But he doesn't love me Mallika. He thinks I am his best friend and that's all - he loves someone else - why is it always me? Can't nerdy people who aren't from as affluent families, fall in love? Can't they be happy Mallika? I can live without him, but I can't live when he is with someone else - I just got to know Mallika he is going out with her" she breathed. Mallika stood scandalized - her di was in love? This was matters of the heart? Really?

"Di who is it di?" she asked her soothingly.

Anika was about to answer when she realized she couldn't tell her about Shivay and Tia, she wanted Daksh to be the one to come and tell her that he has left Tia for her - that was what would make Mallika happy - no she couldn't give her names, not right now anyway.

"Mallika, you know him. But I cant give names right now. Please trust me, I will tell you later" although Mallika wanted to, she didn't press the matter further, her di was upset anyway - she didn't want to aggravate her misery.

"Okay, okay you needn't tell me di, but calm down, and if he doesn't love you it's his loss not your's - unlucky man he is di"

"Bacha promise me you will keep this to yourself? I don't want anyone knowing about it okay"


As Shivay and Tia entered the classroom, Shivay's eyes flashed towards their corner, but Anika wasn't there. Uff this Anika he thought, yesterday he couldn't talk to her because he was in a hurry and today she disappeared. He tried calling her, but her phone was switched off. He called Soumya, but she said Anika was at her sister's last night - she even mentioned how panic stricken and home sick she was the other night and Shivay was troubled hearing about it - she seemed absolutely fine until evening, then what could have happened. He tried calling her again and again her phone was switched off. In the mean time, a whole bunch of his classmates came and congratulated him on clearing the first audition of the talent show - a surprised Shivay turned to face Tia - how on earth did they know? Tia hissed back, "I am sure Anika must have told everyone, such an idiot she is." But Shivay dismissed the idea, "No Tia, Anika wouldn't ever do this, she knew about this all along, she knew I wanted privacy. Are you sure you haven't spilt it out unintentionally?" Tia had indeed told everyone and had played her cards to blame Anika, but seeing Shivay's faith in her, she got further agitated - who thought that hopeless behenji could be competition?

Shivay turned around and asked Om if he knew where Anika was, but he replied in negative. And for some reason Om seemed a bit off at him - well he was dating his sister afterall, as a brother he was allowed to be a bit protective Shivay mused.


Anika was sitting with Reyaan in the library and revising, when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, she looked up to see a very concerned Om peering down at her. He whispered and motioned her to come out with him. She silently followed him and he led her to the caf opposite to their college. He didn't ask her anything, he just looked at her gravely and that was enough to bring her down to tears.

"Om, trust me Om I wanted to tell on Tia. I wanted to tell him that she was a fake, but I couldn't. It doesn't matter that I love him, it doesn't even matter that Tia doesn't - what matters is that he loves her and wants to be with her. I know if I have hidden it from him today, Tia can leave him tomorrow and it would hurt him. But I am depending on Tia's selfish nature Om. If Shivay wins the talent hunt, he will be a celebrity overnight! And then Tia would never leave him - And I know my Shivay will win it, he is so so good Om! And then at least he would get to be with the love of his life. That's why I kept quiet Om - I know he doesn't love me." She finished breathlessly.

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