Chapter 18

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"You will be staying here, acha"

"Wait, what? BHAI you will be staying HERE? Like seriously!?"

"Umm..yes Somu" Shivay replied cautiously. And looked at Anika in confusion. It wasn't the first time he crashed at Somu's - what was the big deal here? As Anika stood there - her spirits were already lifted, now seeing Shivay's innocent confusion she felt like she would burst in laughter.

"But bhai! How can you share my room? I am a girl!" she responded shocked.

"Um..I know. So? We have shared before also" he replied reasonably.

"Yeahhh, but back then I was a guy bhai!! Now I am a girl!!"she replied indignantly.

"Eh..Somu, back then you thought you were a boy - but you weren't! and I still stayed with you" Shivay tried again, not realizing why Somu was acting all cranky.

"Yes but now I KNOW I am a girl! You can't stay bhai" she said adamantly with arms folded in her front. Anika who tried being civil so far, burst into peals of laughter seeing Soumya's fierce stand on womanhood visavis Shivay's lack of understanding. Both sibling turned to face her, when Anika pulled Shivay into her room and excused them from Soumya - even though she pulled in innocence, he loved being dragged by her into her room - he had a goofy smile up his lips when Anika faced him.

"Shivay, Soumya is a newly turned woman in her head - she will take time to settle her scores right. It's like adolescence all over for her again - she is sensitive to her gender now - please be careful around her" she explained laughing.

"Oh" retorted Shivay, clearly not understanding of course. "So I fail my exams? Because my baby sister just realized after 20 years of life that she is a girl?" he asked amused.

"Umm no. You stay but you get to sleep in the hall at night - you cool?" asked Anika.

"Why not in your room? I am sure you know from much beforehand that you're a girl" he asked with an innocent smile.

"Hawww" it was Anika's instant reaction, and Shivay toppled over unable to control his laughter.

"Just Kidding Anika!! Just look at you" he laughed light heartedly. He was feeling awesome after a very long time. Anika had that impact on him. He was happier then he was in days, and Anika doubled up in laughter at her reaction, not realizing until that morning, every other word was bringing tears to her eyes.


"Om, Shivay is staying here at ours - for revision. I thought it is my duty as your fake girlfriend to let you know, lest you be fake jealous" she laughed over the phone, while Om looked mildly surprised - moved in, desperate much Shivay? He thought and hid a smirk.

"Oh, but as your fake boyfriend it is my duty to feel fake protective about you sharing your apartment with another man right? So out of fake concern, I have to figure out a way to protect you soon" he laughed and Anika joined in.

"Om you're MAD" she laughed and hung up the phone and came out still smiling from her room. Shivay noticed her smile and a frown covered his face.

"Informed your body guard, of me potentially raping you?" he asked darkly - Anika just laughed - not even Shivay could dampen her spirit today.

"Yes, he told me to keep pepper spray handy!!" she replied laughing and disappeared into the kitchen.


When Shivay told Tia about his whereabouts, she shuddered - he was staying at behenji's? Like STAYING!?!?! Moved in? Well it was Somz's house too - she tried consoling herself. But something didn't feel right - she knew that the behenji loved him - but she was keeping quiet for some stupid reason - but she couldn't depend on her - what if she made a move? No. It was time to mark her territory yet again and remind Anika where she stands in their life - and this time she would use her bhai - Om, he loved her right?

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