Chapter 22

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"Beta, I thought you came home because you were missing me. All you do is either you lock yourself in your bedroom and practise music or sulk alone. What is the matter beta?" asked daadi gently patting Shivay's head.

"Just being around you calms my nerves daadi." He said with eyes shut, clearly enjoying her maternal caress.

"So your nerves weren't calm till you came here I assume beta? What is it that is bugging my grandson so, you know you can tell me" she replied lovingly.

She was right Shivay thought, even in the past daadi had always been a source of comfort and wise advice he thought. "Daadi it's my friend, I am protective of her - but she doesn't trust me. She trusts Om - you remember him right? And he is playing with her feelings - I don't like it - but as I said, she doesn't trust me" he finished, already feeling lighter after sharing this.

Daadi looked thoughtfully at him, the only person her grandson was attached to, was her granddaughter Soumya - if Shivay was protective of this girl, did it mean he had developed a soft corner for her? Daadi wondered quietly as started asking innocent questions about Anika to Shivay - to daadi's amazement, no more was Shivay the gloomy morose child sulking in the corner - the way he relayed her stories to daadi and laughed remembering the fun times, daadi was sure where this was heading - Shivay told daadi how Anika helped him academically, as a friend and also with his music - this girl seems right thought daadi - and smiled.

"Beta, if she is your best friend and you care for her - then you have done your job of telling her of the reality and by trying to protect her from hurt - now it's her call. You really shouldn't worry anymore - it's her life, she gets to decide." She said wisely and as she anticipated, Shivay's shoulder dropped in morose again.

But daadi continued, "However, if your Anika friend is special and you cannot see her hurt at any cost and you have decided you will be there to protect her from such people all your life - as her partner, and love and cherish her - then I must say coming home to sulk is a wrong decision son." she smiled.

Shivay looked up at her face in surprise, daadi too understood this? Then why couldn't Anika understand? He dropped all pretence before daadi and told her, "I love her daadi. I really do"

Daadi looked annoyed, "God beta, you are such a disgrace to the honourable name of Punjabi's! You love her and because she doesn't trust you, you came back running to daadi? Go back there beta and fight for her - fight for your love and win her back for me. Go now." She said with charge. Shivay didn't need to be told twice, his goofy grin was back and he gave daadi a rib-cracking hug, before running off to pack his bags - he was coming back, to claim Anika and make him rightfully his.


When Shivay rang Anika's doorbell, a surprised Somu greeted him, "Bhai, I thought you were returning by the end of week right?" she asked surprised.

"Yes, but I am back, and I need to meet Anika. Is she home? She isn't reachable by phone" he replied breatheless.

"Err..bhai..I don't know what happened that night after the movie, but by the time Rudra dropped me, Anika had gone leaving behind a note that she will be gone for some time. And ever since then she isn't reachable over phone." She replied eyeing Shivay nervously. Shivay stared at her - gone? For some time? Where? He thought, but judging by Somu's expression, he knew he wouldn't find his answers here. He dashed off from there before entering the house and leaving a surprised Somu behind. Only one man could tell.

When he knocked his door, he was anxious. The last time he met him two weeks back, he had beaten him down to pulp, and today only he could help him. As the door opened, Om peeped out.

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