Chapter 12

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 Anika was sitting in her room and working on Shivay's assignment, for this week she had not only taken up his assignments, but had also taken to getting him proxy attendance. Shivay was hardly ever in class, his audition was due the next day, and he was practicing with his heart and soul. Now that he and Anika had become somewhat friends over text messages (they were still awkward in front of each other) he had generously invited her to his practice sessions when she was free, but thanks to the approaching finals and truckload oh her and Shivay's assignments, she never managed the time. Also at the back of her mind was Somz, he had been acting strange ever since the day they had gone for the movie - Anika thought things were okay between them, if so, then why was Somz always in his room? Why hadn't Rudra turned up even once in the entire week? She initially thought she should give her time, she would open up by herself, but its was almost a week now, and still no trace of Somz opening up - Anika decided to talk to her that night, after she was done with her assignments.

As Anika entered Somz's room quietly, she saw Somz notice her and suddenly grab a handful of things and shoved it in his drawer before turning to her - clearly he was hiding something.

"Somz, what's wrong, you're not behaving right somehow" whispered Anika.

"No, I am fine, could you please excuse me for sometime?" she replied. Anika was taken aback and decided not to intervene, in fact she was just walking out of the door, when Somz got up to lock the door behind her - it was then Anika noticed something that made the ground below her shake in astonishment.

"SOMZ!!!!! You are wearing a SKIRT????????" she almost shrieked and to her surprise Somz gulped air unnecessarily and mumbled something like, "found..wardrobe..clothes for wash". Anika knew there was something wrong, she barged back inside and demanded to know what it was, and Somz having ben caught off hand, couldn't come up with an excuse that was convincing enough, so she confessed to her the truth.

"Anne, I er..know now - the truth"

"What truth Somz?"

Somz looked at Anika for a long time before replying, "Soumya's truth"

Anika stared at her for a while, before the meaning of the statement hit her.

"You mean...!?!?! How??" she asked breathlessly. Somz sighed once and went about telling her everything that happened that fateful night in the football field. Anika's jaw dropped in shock. Even when she gave him the advice, she never thought Somz would take it so damn seriously!

"Now?" she asked him, still in shock.

"Now what? Rudra hasn't spoken to me ever since - he has avoided my messages and my calls, the one day I went to class after that, he pretended he couldn't see me."

Anika felt guilty now, of course she wanted him to realize his true identity, but she never understood how important it was for Somz to be recognized as a guy by all - it was so important, that he didn't think twice before even kissing a man? His best friend? Now because of her, his best friend was avoiding him. The guilt brought tears in her eyes.

"Somz, I am so sorry Somz, I never wanted to push you this hard to prove that you're a man, because of me you lost Rudra, I am so sorry, I will talk to Rudra, I will tell him, you are a man alright, it was my doing and he should punish me" whimpered Anika, as Somz looked at her in shock - Anne had got it all wrong of course! That was not why she was lamenting of course!

"Anne, listen to me, calm down. You got it all wrong. I am not upset because Rudra recognizes me as a girl now. I am upset because he still doesn't! I am not Somz, Anne. I am Soumya - I have understood myself for the first time in ages - I enjoyed kissing him Anne. You were right, my body did things, I never thought I was capable of doing. I cant be gay, because my mind and body both seeks a guy, so I have to be normal right? Which means I am Soumya not Somz. And I want Rudra back" she finished.

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